HomeCats8-Year-Old Cat Winds Up At Shelter After Her Family Got A Kitten...

8-Year-Old Cat Winds Up At Shelter After Her Family Got A Kitten And Decided She Had To Go

Update 5/22/2023: Adopted!!

Broward County, FL – At eight years of age, a cat named Nala is learning to live without the love of her family. According to the Humane Society of Broward County, Nala’s family got a new kitten and she did not adjust well to life with another cat.

Rather than figuring out how to fix the problem, Nala’s family surrendered her to the shelter. The agency said:

Sadly, she did not adjust well to a new kitten that was added to her home, so her family decided to give HER away 🥺💔

According to the shelter, Nala is cuddly and adores snuggling on laps. The shelter is hoping to find Nala a home with a devoted, loving new family who does not have other cats.


Replaced by the new kitten 💔 8-year-old Nala is a cuddly and affectionate female cat that is vocal for food and loves getting treats. Sadly, she did not adjust well to a new kitten that was added to her home, so her family decided to give HER away 🥺💔 She is super friendly with people and likes laps and being pet. She will need a patient adopter, preferably with no other cats 🙏 #sadcat #cat #catsoftiktok #catvideo #adoptme #adopt #adoptacat #tigercat #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #florida #rescue

♬ original sound – Humane Society Broward County

Shelter address: 2070 Griffin Rd, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States, Florida

Shelter phone: (954) 989-3977

Shelter email address: info@hsbroward.com

Note: Please direct all inquiries to the shelter. Animal Victory is NOT the point of contact and has no affiliation with this shelter, or this cat. Thank you.

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  1. These people should not be allowed to adopt cats or dogs!! I grew up on a home that both of my parents considered cats and dogs “disposable low life” and I completely understand the “cockeyed” mentality of these people. The Shelters should be blocking this family from foster/adoption of cats and dogs

  2. Shame on them
    ARE they going to do that to this kitten when it grows up? They don’t deserve an animal or kids for that matter.

  3. Disgusting people!!!! Hope Nala finds a wonderful Family to love and take care of her. I would taske her in a minute if I lived there!

  4. It has always taken me at least two weeks to have animals adjust to each other. It doesn’t happen overnight ever!

    • It took a year to adjust our 6 year old kitty to a cat we rescued from the street. Now they are such good friends. Many people are lazy disgusting things. They demand patience for themselves but don’t do the same for others, especially for animals

  5. She may have been adopted or rescued. You can always call the shelter & ask. When calling the shelter, you should have the cat’s animal i.d.#, which will be on either the tik-tok video, or on the Broward County shelter’s original post.

  6. This is exactly why there needs to be a national adoption blacklist registry that would include people like this who are unwilling to provide a forever home

  7. This is disgusting I would never get rid of any of my furbabies. Stupid people animals are family people needs too get their head examined.

  8. What low life scum of the earth !!! Morons like this should not be allowed to keep any pet !!! No doubt if the kitten doesn’t fit in later they will dump this poor creature as well ! Lets hope that their family and friends … if anyone is crazy enough to be their friend … dumps them anytime soon and see how they like it ! Then again, cretins like this eould be too thick to understand this !!! Either a hood education on keeping pets or a lifetime ban on keeping pets is what they definately need !!!

    • I was a volunteer for years at several shelters over the last 50 years. Once, a man came in with his kids and their 12-year-old dog, which they were turning in. I placed the dog in a run with water, a bed and food, then asked why they were turning the dog in. He said the dog was having old-age problems they did not want to deal with. “It peed no the floor twice in the past few weeks.” (Not ‘he,’ or ‘she’ but ‘IT’.)

      Then he asked to see our puppies so they could adopt one. I said, “You’re throwing out a dog that has devoted its entire life and love to your family, like it was a candy wrapper and expect me to show you our puppies. NO! Leave now, please!” I ordered him out. He got nasty. I called a uniformed animal cop over and told her the situation. She ordered the man out. He started screaming at her. Then she dangled a pair of handcuffs in his face. GONE IN 30 SECONDS!

      • Good for you. The sad part is he was teaching his children that pets are disposable rather than do the right thing such as take the poor baby to the vet they take it to the shelter knowing its likely the same as a death sentence. Cruel people shouldnt breed.

  9. People are disgusting!! Shame on the despicable people who dumped her!! Animals are not TRASH!! Hope their
    new kitten pees all over their house!!

  10. Someone said they didn’t see her listed. Please tell me she’s been adopted by real human beings, as opposed to the scum bags that left her. If I wasn’t horribly allergic, and in Michigan, I’d snatch her up in a minute. She’s such a pretty girl.

  11. I am do sad for Nala, that’s not fair. She’s adorable… I hope she finds her forever family.🙏❤️

  12. DISGUSTING….pure and simple! Are they going to give up the “new kitten” when it gets older, just to get a “newer kitten”??? This is SO UNFAIR to this beautiful baby that had been part of this family for 8 years!!! Plus, losing its doggie friend!!! You don’t simply trash a pet….they are SUPPOSE to be FAMILY and kept FOREVER! How do they think this poor kitty is doing in the SHELTER??? Let me just say to them…SHE IS SAD, CONFUSED, WONDERING WHAT SHE DID WRONG TO DESERVE THIS….among other things!!! How darn DISPICABLE can you possibly get! SHAME ON YOU!!!
    Now…I hope and pray that they can see everyone’s posts and realize how pathetic they are!!!

  13. I checked and I don’t see her listed. Did they kill her? Poor Nala didn’t deserve this kind of treatment. Pets should be part of the family, always. Why was the kitten not given back? Nala was already part of the family.

    • If this cat was given to kill shelter and it was euthanized these people deserve every kind of Karma I can think of. They would have known what might happen to this cat if it wasn’t adopted and that is utterly heartless and despicable.Hopefully this did not happen but it is still sad to know this poor cat that thought it had a permanent loving home, didn’t. A pox on the former irresponsible and heartless owners.

  14. This is truly disgusting! Animals aren’t dispensable! They have souls and are sentient beings who deserve loyalty and
    love. These people have no soul!!!!😡

  15. What happens when the new kitten gets older and they decide they want another kitten to add to the family? Do they “get rid of” the first one? You know folks, having cats or any animal, but especially cats, takes patience when introducing a new cat to a household where there are other cats. It’s not easy, and so many people want it to happen much faster than it normally takes, or are just too damn impatient and lazy to give it the time it requires. Giving up on a cat that’s not accepting a kitten, or having a hard time adjusting to it is, imo, most likely more the fault of the humans than it is the cats. It’s not like animal rescues and shelters are empty, and they’re begging for business. If you give an animal a home, don’t be a supreme wuss, and send it back to one, after it has bonded with you, and grown to feel loved and secure in a new home. Shame on the people who did this, you’re disgusting.

    • I agree- it takes time to introduce a new cat to an existing resident cat and these idiots never took the time and patience to do that. But what really pisses me off here is that the established cat that they supposedly had a bond with gets the boot for a kitten(as cute as they are) who may turn out to less friendly than their old cat and Heaven forbid will grow up to be a BIG CAT! So now this poor cat has been kicked out of his home and left probably confused as to where his (HOME) went .Some people should never own pets and I hope this little guy finds real cat lovers who will truly appreciate him unlike his previous asshole owners


  17. How sad for poor baby girl Nala just thrown to the side like a old rag.Its cruel and unacceptable because she didn’t like her territory invaded. How stupid are these people?? You had Nala since she was a kitten all of her life and discarded her like yesterday’s trash.Didnt these uneducated people didn’t research on how to introduce the new kitty to Nala. If they did Nala would still have a family and a sibling to bond with. Instead dumped at the shelter and didn’t even look back. Nala was wondering ‘Why am I here?, What did I do?I was a good kitty girl? Where’s my family,are they coming back for me?’ Poor baby girl She will be blessed with a loving family who will love&care for her till her ending days on earth.

    • I knew a family years ago that did that. I wanted to take the cat but my mother said no. They just tossed out the cat like it was nothing. Nasty horrid people. Their name was Kelliher and I hope someone tossed them somewhere.

  18. These losers should have been designated DNA.
    May Nala find the loving permanent home she has always deserved, very quickly, and forget all about those losers. *Prayers* for the new kitten. May (s)he be loved and cared for for life!

  19. Pets are family—for sure they think so. And they are loyal to their familiws. Pity this family could not be loyal to their cat of so many years. Pity they did not care enough to learn how to introduce the new kitten to their faithful cat of many years

    • I feel sorry for the kitten in a few years. That group of idiots (so called family) should not be allowed to own any animals.

      • I definitey agree with your comment.
        I feel sorry for the kitten in a few years. That group of idiots (so called family) should not be allowed to own any animals. And I feel so sad for their Cat that these monster bastard didn’t want. The precious Cat was better way from these lolwife
        human monster bastards.

        • The only justice I see coming is when these idiot parents get older their kids will do to them what they have seen them do to their pets. They will put them in a nursing home or even worse just stop coming to visit or help them because they are old and grouchy so their kids won’t want to bother with them. Then they will understand what they taught their children was when you get old you are no longer needed or wanted. Careful what you teach your kids. It will come back to you.

      • Pets should have a forever home. They should have not had the kitten. I have a territorial little dog and wouldn’t dream to have another puppy. Inconsiderate, selfish individuals


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