HomeCatsZoo Mourns Sudden, Unexpected Death Of Polar Bear

Zoo Mourns Sudden, Unexpected Death Of Polar Bear

Asheboro, NC – On October 25, a polar bear named Payton died unexpectedly during a transfer from the North Carolina Zoo to the Louisville Zoo in Kentucky. According to a release from the North Carolina Zoo, Payton was being transferred to the Louisville Zoo as part of a polar bear breeding partnership.

According to the release, Payton was accompanied by an experienced care team that performed regular checks during the journey. When they were less than two hours away from the North Carolina Zoo, the team found Payton non-responsive. Payton was immediately transferred to a large animal veterinarian who confirmed that he had passed away.

Payton’s body was transferred back to the North Carolina Zoo for a necropsy to help determine his cause of death. According to Dr. Jb Minter, the Zoo’s Director of Animal Health, “The necropsy indicated some evidence of cardiac disease, a tumor on his adrenal gland as well as some moderate osteoarthritis in keeping with his advanced age. Tissue samples will be sent to outside laboratories for further testing to help determine the cause of his death.”

Polar bear keeper Melissa Vindigni reminisced about the bear who had been at the zoo since January 2021,

“He was the best boy bear. His trust was worth the effort to earn and it was a privilege and honor to have earned that. He loved training and interacting with his keepers and vet techs and his trust in us really shined with his willingness to work with us on his own health care. I learned so much from him and I was blessed to work with him. I will never forget the things he taught me.”

Zoo staff is devastated by Payton’s death and grief counselors have been called to the site to assist.

Rest in peace Payton.

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  1. This is horrific 🤬another zoo with blood on its hands … leave the animals in their natural environment. Stupid humans🤬😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  2. This is what happens when taken from their natural habitat. This has to stop. I would rather see a documentary done in their natual habitat then see one at a zoo. Zoo’s only hold their animals prisoners.

  3. Perhaps, just maybe if he hadn’t been removed from his natural habitat for the profit of man, he may have had a much better chance at a full a healthy life. But no, by all means keep trapping and containing wild animals, for the people who don’t have Internet access, to view.

  4. Payton should never, ever have been in a zoo. All polar bears should be in their natural habitat not stuck in tiny enclosures being gawped at day in, day out. Miserable, cruel life.

  5. This was so preventable. Sending him to a breeding program in a zoo??? Unacceptable. The only place all the animals need to go is to an accredited sanctuary!! They killed him, just like all animals in zoos who die unnatural deaths due to captivity!!


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