HomeAnimal RescueCat Shot In The Face With Arrow: Reward Offered To Find Person...

Cat Shot In The Face With Arrow: Reward Offered To Find Person Responsible

West Columbia, Texas – A reward is being offered for information leading to the identification, arrest, and conviction of whoever shot a cat in the face with an arrow in West Columbia. As reported by Click 2 Houston, the injured cat was found at the Magnolia Manor Apartments on November 1.

When Susan Dancer, a certified animal cruelty investigator with Texas Blessings Rescue, arrived at the apartment complex, she was told by Animal Control that the cat was going to be euthanized. Instead, the cat was taken to a veterinarian at the Matagorda Vet Clinic to see if she could be saved.

Amazingly, the arrow impaled the cat in such a way that she managed to survive and she is expected to recover. The cat was surrendered to the Texas Blessings Rescue which is trying to find the person responsible.

The agency said:

We believe the best tool we have to find the person responsible for shooting this cat with a bow and arrow in West Columbia, Texas is to offer a substantial reward. If you are willing to pledge toward a reward (not actually donate at this point), please message us and let us know.


Identifying the person who drew back a bow string and sent an arrow flying thru the head of this sweet, innocent 10 month old kitten is critical to the protection of our citizens. She may be “just a cat” to you, but she may be target practice for bigger things to come: you, your pet, your children.
Help us stop them now.

(UPDATE FOR CLARIFICATION***This was taken just before surgery in which the arrow was removed.)

The reward fund has climbed to $1500. Please call the West Columbia Police Department if you have any information about this case.

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  1. God bless this precious baby!! Id check any video cameras that could be around the area. The person who did this needs to be punished to the maximum possible!!

  2. Why has the kitten not had surgery yet to remove the arrow?
    Why is the cat in a cage still with the arrow through its head?
    That’s what I want to know.

  3. My sincere thanks to the Blessings Rescue for saving this sweetheart’s life! The evil person that did this needs to be found and punished severely. You can be sure this sick person will continue shooting and killing animals and possibly humans. It’s a psychopath/sociopath mind that does these things. The safety of humans and animals alike needs to be far more important than the right of any demented person doing this.
    Thank you so much Blessings for helping this precious girl. She’s a miracle kitty.
    Please all, spay or neuter every pet you have, and keep your precious kitties indoors only to save them from evil people that do this and even worse to cats. Keep them safe from vehicles, poisons, disease, other animals and birds of prey.

  4. I’m so relieved she wasn’t euthanized, that Blessings stepped in! Thank you very much for being her angels!!! Has she been adopted yet?

  5. People are largely scum. If not, these sorts of heinous violent crimes would be treated the same as they would if a baby was the victim, instead of downrating the victim because of species and treating dangerous, sadistic people as mild offenders. People are delusional because of all the LEGAL animal torture and killing done in “research” labs, meat farms & slaughterhouses, etc. 😡

  6. What the hell is wrong with people today- it is appaling to see this kind of cruelty to animals and cats are the usual victims because they are allowed outside by irresponsible owners. It’s possible this cat was feral but I doubt it. The thing that really aggravate me in these cases is that even if the assholes that did this are caught the punishment hardly ever is punitive enough and these dirtbags walk with a slap on the wrist. Animal cruelty is not taken seriously enough and that needs to change drastically.

  7. This evil need to be punishment and jail time,no weapons allow for this evil,I want him to pay for this poor cat,evil deserves to be in jail.period.

  8. Punishment fits the crime. Whichever sadistic piece of defecate did this needs the same treatment. Absolutely appalling! Not fit to be branded human

  9. Please help find this individual who conducted this horrific sadistic attack on a 10 month old kitty. Thai was premeditated and next it could be another animal, pet or child.
    Maximum sentencing for this sick POS

  10. There seems to be an increase of bow and arrow attacks on domestic pets. I believe this is probably young offenders copying the new fad of game hunting with bows or crossbows. Hunting game animals in this way creates immense suffering for any animal especially larger animals such as deer, bear and moose as it is very difficult to kill such animals with an arrow effectively. Time to put a halt to bow hunting as unnecessary cruelty and to not give youngsters a bow unless under strict supervision


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