HomeFeatured46 Horses Rescued From Deplorable Conditions, Woman Charged, One Horse Humanely Euthanized

46 Horses Rescued From Deplorable Conditions, Woman Charged, One Horse Humanely Euthanized

Dallas County, IA – A horse rescued from deplorable conditions at property in Dallas County had to be humanely euthanized because he was in such pitiful condition. According to the Animal Rescue League of Iowa, the starved horse, Bluey, the long-term neglect he suffered was too much to come back from. Veterinarians discovered that the horse was missing most of his teeth and he had not been able to eat for weeks, or possibly months.

Bluey was one of 46 horses rescued from the property earlier this month. Their owner, 78-year-old Linda Kilbourne is charged with livestock neglect and more criminal charges are pending.

ARL Iowa said:

The sheer level of suffering these horses endured is heartbreaking, and their needs are extensive. The most severely injured horse, who was taken directly to an equine emergency vet for a deep, infected neck wound, spent nearly 2 weeks at the veterinary hospital while vets worked to get his previously untreated infection under control and ensure the deepest parts of his wound would heal.

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What has been compared to the equivalent of a puppy mill, this “horse mill” rescue was not the first time horses have suffered at this property, but hopefully this will finally be the last.

Donations for the care of these horses can be made to ARL Iowa at this link.

Continue reading: Senior dog, Hit By Car, Can Be Put Down At Any Time

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  1. HELP — SHARE — Agonizing for Horses’ & Bluey’s suffering & death — Ensure Abuser-Linda Kilbourne NEVER AGAIN engage with Animals in any way or form— HORSES need love and care

  2. Now that is the true use of the term ‘euthanisia. The horse was suffering and would not have recovered. Healthy animals are not euthanized, they are killed. This place surely was not a rescue but a hellhole and it is beyond me why people who are known abusers are not only allowed to keep having nonhuman animals but are not given unannounced inspections.

  3. All animal abusers need to have a National record to be watched on and their family and friends should be aware they are lunatics and report them at the second they are seen doing something despicable!!! Get rid of these disgusting lowlifes In our society.

  4. I don’t understand why people, who have a record of previously neglecting their animals, aren’t being checked on frequently to insure they don’t do it again. Surely there are caring people who would be willing to do these checks, just because they care and don’t want any more creatures to suffer needlessly.

  5. Throw this disgusting piece of filth in jail for the rest of her miserable life. What a gross and monstrous creature this woman is!!


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