HomeCatsMan's Missing German Shepherd Pup Found 25 Feet Up A Tree

Man’s Missing German Shepherd Pup Found 25 Feet Up A Tree

El Dorado County, CA – A California man found his missing German shepherd pup in an unlikely place – 25 feet up a tree. The 10-month-old pup, Luna, disappeared on Sunday, leaving her owner Brian Spies, fearing the worst.

Spies tells KSLA.

“We have bears, we’ve got mountain lions, coyotes, foxes. We kind of got them all, so we didn’t know if a mountain lion snagged her.”

But Luna had not been attacked by a wild animal, she was trying to act like one! A friend of Spies enlisted to help in the search spotted Luna in an unlikely place. Luka Bogdanovich said:

“I’m just driving down the road and look left. I’ll be darned. I see something in the tree, and I went, ‘Holy cow, that’s the dog.’”

Bogdanovich called Luna’s owner, who arrived with an extension ladder. He was able to reach Luna and carefully cradle her back down to safety.

Luna was a bit tired but none-the-worse-for-wear after her epic adventure.


Continue reading: Officer Takes In Malnourished Cat Found Alone In Parking Lot

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  1. Could someone have put her in the tree using an extension ladder? It seems unlikely that a dog could climb a tree straight up, that high.


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