HomeAnimal CrueltyWoman Jailed For Despicable Act Of Cruelty, Throwing Her Own Dog From...

Woman Jailed For Despicable Act Of Cruelty, Throwing Her Own Dog From Parking Garage Ledge

Perth, Australia – A 26-year-old Australian woman has been sentenced to prison time for a despicable act of cruelty that claimed the life of her own dog. According to sources, Amy Lea Judge hurled her 10-year-old Maltese mix, Princess, from a stories high parking garage.

The senior dog suffered severe injuries in the fall and had to be humanely euthanized.

RSPCA WA investigators say Judge confessed to killing Princess on Facebook, stating that she could not, “live with the guilt” and referencing doing Princess “a favor” because “all she did was hurt and abuse her.” Judge later deleted the social media post, claiming her account was hacked.

RSPCA WA Inspector Manager Kylie Green said the case was one of the worst she had encountered during her 11 years of work. She commented, “Dogs can be so trusting, and they rely on their owners to keep them safe. I can’t think of a more disgusting betrayal of that trust.”

Judge showed no remorse for killing her dog. She was sentenced to 12 months behind bars.

Continue reading: ‘Perfect’ Old Boy Urgently Needs Out Of Shelter After Being Placed On 72-Hour Notice


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  1. Upon her release, I AM BEGGING ANYONE IN AUSTRALIA TO PLEASE….throw this skankwhore HEADFRIST AND HANDS BOUND from the SAME PARKING TOP OF 10 STORIES,…THAT IS JUSTICE!!! These types of shit, male and female cretons deserve to be kidnapped, beaten, raped and sodimized brutally and tortured, for lengthy periods then, and only then justice might be served!!!!

  2. I hope this Bitch burns in Hell for what she did to this precious, sweet, innocent dog. I have a dog that looks exactly like her dog and it hurts my heart to see this horrendous crime. Someone should throw her high from a parking deck! She’s has an empty heart and no soul! Burn in hell you evil Bitch!!!!

  3. What a horrible thing to do to an innocent animal. This creature is a soulless devil who needs to be taken out of society. Poor sweet little dog 😢

  4. If she is mentally ill – as someone who does something like that must be – put her in a mental institution for the rest of her life so she can’t hurt any other animal. But she’ll be out in a year (if that long) & will buy another dog. We need a national (international) do not adopt list but people who sell animals only care about making money.

  5. This woman is.clearly evil! I wish her sentence in jail was longer. Maybe one of her cellmates will push her over a balcony!!! An eye for an eye. Her dog trusted her to love and care for her, not murder her!!! Rest in.peace little.one😪

  6. This piece of shit needs to have her spine removed and hung with it!! Animal cruelty deserves an automatic death sentence!!

    • Absolutely death!! May this monster die a thousand torturous deaths and be damned to hell!!
      Kill her!! Someone just kill her!!

      We are enraged that she is still alive!!

    • I totally agree this sick bitch needs to be dropped out of an airplane with no parachute and see how it felt to that poor little trusting dog. Let’s do HER a favor and help this bitch die a horrible death. We don’t need people like her!!!

    • Mary Dellenbusch, I agree with you 💯 per cent. Animal cruelty happens everyday and it needs to stop. We need tougher penalties for the people that do this… Cut off her hands or throw her over the parking garage wall….. 😡


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