HomeAnimal RescueYoung Puppies Put On Euthanasia List For "Aggression"

Young Puppies Put On Euthanasia List For “Aggression”

Riverside County, CA – Young puppies have been cleared for “euthanasia” at the Riverside County Animal Control agency where staff has labeled them “aggressive.”

The absurdity of labeling a young puppy aggressive is mind-boggling.

Animal ID: #A1773751 Ian🐾
Gender: Male
Color: Brown
Age: 11 weeks old
Located At: San Jacinto Shelter
Kennel Substatus: BEHAVIOR

Ian is not alone – his sibling is also in danger for her “behavior.”

Animal ID: #A1773748 Ellie🖤
Gender: Female
Color: Brown
Age: 11 weeks old
Located At: San Jacinto Shelter
Kennel Substatus: BEHAVIOR

An advocate writes:

11 Week Old Puppies being Red🚨Listed at San Jacinto and sentenced to die for Behavior is Ludacris! Please share them to get them a Chance to get seen, they get very little foot traffic there. They don’t deserve to die here!

The aforementioned puppies are not the only ones destined for an unfair, unthinkable fate. An entire litter of tiny puppies is facing the same tragic outcome.

At risk:






Please network these puppies to help save their life. You can view each puppy by clicking their ID number above. Information to save their life is listed below. Thank you for contacting the shelter directly. Animal Victory does not have an affiliation with these puppies or this shelter facility.
Email: adoptions@rivco.org or shelterinfo@rivco.org
Phone: 951-358-7387
Rescue desk: 951-358-7302
Email: rescue@rivco.org or transferDAS@rivco.org
Location: Riverside County Animal Control – San Jacinto Shelter
Phone Number: (951) 358-7387
Address: 581 S. Grand Ave.
San Jacinto, CA 92582

Continue reading: Injured, Starving Dog Found Huddled On Porch On Christmas Eve

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  1. Here in Riverside county, and that particular shelter are known for euthanizing dogs and cats for absurd reasons.

    They should be shut down. They are not in the business of providing the proper services to care for animals.

    What evil was on the Mayflower that made America such a cesspool of human feces since then??? Expelling the likes of Trump and other fecal matter from its bowels??? Animal abuse will never stop on this Earth, until humans are totally eradicated!!!!! Covid and its variants are not keeping up the pace to eliminate the walking rectums of humanity!!!

  3. All puppies and kittens are aggressive, it’s called PLAY! It’s what they do till they learn better. Heck I call kittens paws “Murder Mittens” I put Riverside up there with San Bernadino and Memphis shelters for being the worse place a pet can end up in.

  4. This dump shelter should be permanently closed and all of the animals transferred to good decent no kill shelters!! The slimball owner and employees should be made to pick up garbage along the freeways!!

  5. What in the hell is wrong with these people? You don’t kill baby puppies for being aggressive, they haven’t lived long enough to develop that trait. That is so gross and disgusting

    • This is a lazy ass animal murder building!!! They could care less about animals. They are no better than the Asian countries that abuse, kill and eat dogs and cats. The staff are aggressive not the puppies!!!!

  6. This shows what dog breeders have done to the world. “Shelters,” run by career animal prison wardens, are so overcrowded and the precious animals’ lives are so “cheap” and expendable that lame excuses are invented for killing “vicious” babies. When is someone going to get animal breeding and puppy mills done away with?? How the mills remain legal is beyond me…the USA is supposed to be more advanced than most of the world. All our dozens of dogs, for decades, have come from the streets…desperate, homeless rescues who became beloved forever family members. What the hell is wrong with people who actually want puppy breeders to exist?

  7. Shelters have by and large become hellholes. Put any animal or human for that matter there, and you’d be lucky if s/he wasn’t aggressive. Send our tax dollars to rescues that know how to treat their residents because shelters are that in name only. Anyone willing to kill the big, bad, scary PUPPIES shouldn’t be making decisions about the welfare of living creatures.

  8. Remove all animals from this “shelter” and shut them down! Such are the organizations that animal advocates and rescues should focus on and close – it’s easy. There’s no mystery of circumstances.

  9. How can 11 week old puppies be aggressive? This is pure violence and the murder of dogs who are not even olde enough to be adopted.They will BOT be euthanized and I get angry enough when regular people use that term but for others to use it makes ma even more so. Euthanasia is used to end the suffering that comes from a condition or disease that will never get better but only worse. Health animals are killed. One would never say that people are euthanized instead of killed so why do it for animals? Be that as it may, I am disgusted by this blatant violence agains such young beings who are merely being how puppies are. This is not a shelter but a death camp. The term shelter implies safety and caring neither of which are in evidence here for the puppies or, from the sound of it, other animals. It is time to get rid of the people in charge and find others who actually care.

    • Dog breeders and mills are what first need to be gotten rid of, in my view. But yes, people who “enjoy” running and working in kill shelters are the exact opposite of what is needed.

  10. I live in the UK where the rule of thumb in all animal shelters is never to put a Healthy dog down unless by order of the Courts or Government. I cannot believe that a country like North America is dotted with puppy-mills and acres of breeding kennels on the one hand and kill-shelters on the other. Money going to vets who euthanise on a daily basis and send to highly funded contracted crematoria. It reeks of corruption.

  11. Lazy fucking people pretending to care about animals. And it is pure LAZINESS to kill helpless, innocent animals rather than put forth the effort to network them and find homes. These people should be prosecuted for felony CRUELTY AND ABUSE!


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