HomeFeaturedPraise For South Korean Lawmakers Who Banned Dog-Meat Trade

Praise For South Korean Lawmakers Who Banned Dog-Meat Trade

Seoul, South Korea – Animal lovers are rejoicing news that South Korean lawmakers have banned the dog-meat trade. The centuries-old practice was banned on Tuesday in a 208-0 vote. The ban takes effect in 2027, giving dog-meat farmers time to transition away from their current mode of operation.

Fleur Dawes, Director of Communications and International Partnerships for In Defense of Animals praises the ban, stating:

“South Korea’s dog meat ban is a dream come true. We are overjoyed by this change and thank lawmakers and local activists who have worked tirelessly to see this become a reality despite the dangers and pushback. Countless dogs will now be spared a horrifying death in the dog meat trade. During the phaseout period, we will continue our vital work to save as many innocent lives as we can.”

According to a news release from Humane Society International, demand for dog meat has waned, with a 2023 opinion poll revealing that 86 percent of South Koreans won’t eat dog meat and 57 percent support a ban.

Kitty Block and Jeff Flocken, respectively CEO and president of HSI globally, issued a joint statement, saying:

“This is a truly momentous day for our campaign to end the horrors of the dog meat industry in South Korea, and one we have been hoping to see for a very long time. Having been to dog meat farms, we know only too well the suffering and deprivation these desperate animals endure in the name of an industry for whom history has now thankfully called time. This ban signals the end of dog meat farming and sales in South Korea, and we stand ready to contribute our expertise until every cage is empty.”

Continue Reading: Smiling Dog Put On Euthanasia List Because She Is So Stressed

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  1. They have a 3 year adjustment time. So will still be killing and eating dogs and cats for 3 years. A lot can happen in 3 years…so don’t think this will stick as a deterrent.

  2. I thank GOD because this was HIS doing!! And there is 4 yrs. BEFORE this takes effect!! All those letters I wrote and getting nothing but take this up with your state official, is a waste!! WHY can’t it take effect now? There are some rough people out there that will still kill those dogs!! DOGS that can be trained for the welfare of the people in all tracks of life!! Dogs are helpful in many different ways to help those that cannot help themselves!! When this does take effect, will there be someone that will watch the dog haters that kill these animals and make sure they don’t do it again????????????????

    • Right on. It’s taken bloody long enough for SK to bow to GLOBAL pressure. It’s still a notoriously cruel country when it comes to animal welfare. And 4 years to wait while a pack of old “farmers” transition to the new world????? Not good enough!!!


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