HomeAnimal CrueltyFlorida Man Arrested For Repeatedly Punching His Dog For Months

Florida Man Arrested For Repeatedly Punching His Dog For Months

Sweetwater, FL – A 20-year-old Florida man has been arrested and charged for allegedly punching his dog, a husky, for months. According to sources, a neighbor informed the authorities that Jordi Ray Bermudez repeatedly punched his white husky, causing the dog to yelp and cry in pain.

Bermudez’s most recent attack happened last week. The witness, his neighbor, described what she saw through the peephole of her door, stating that Bermudez was:

“chasing the dog in the hallway and then grabbing the dog and beginning to punch it repeatedly and excessively in the torso area before dragging it back into his apartment.”

The beating prompted Bermudez’s neighbor to call 911. Officers arrived to his residence at The One at University City apartments. The authorities spoke with the witness, and other neighbors, who confirmed that they had “constantly heard the dog screaming.” As reported by Local 10 News, the beatings had been happening since last September.

Bermudez was arrested for felony animal cruelty and taken to the Miami-Dade jail; he has already bonded out. No word on the condition or fate of the abused dog.

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  1. We must protect Animals from abuse & suffering by ensuring this IDIOT Jordi Ray Bermudez never again gets near Animals — BAN this ABUSER from owning or working with Animals — thank you to Neighbors — always keep an eye out — I pray Dog HUSKY lands with loving People — Animals NEED PROTECTION.

  2. Hang that evil devil by his balls and beat him to death!!!!!! That monster belongs in hell ASAP!!! I can only pray that this poor precious dog is safe now……

  3. This is a deeply disturbed man and he requires help. ABUSE OF ANIMALS SHOULD NEVER BE TOLERATED

  4. Sigh…feeling so helpless about the state of this dog. Where is it?? Hopeless cruelty. Will email the police department but it’s atrocious that they cannot see the immediate need for removal

    • And the neighbors that let
      This go on FOR MONTHS….they are not innocent either. Here’s sadly hoping one of them felt guilty enough to take the dog in

  5. Big Bubba needs to exact vengeance on this trash. He needs to be castrated immediately, publicly flogged, then tied to a post where all can punch the shit out of him. This is the sort of scum that we must eradicate from our communities. Subhuman, depraved psychopaths.

  6. someone should have gotten the dog from him. he needs someone to punch him in the stomach every day all day long. hope sob gets his dessert in prison. he knew the dog was not to bite him. he need a big man to whip his ass.

  7. This IDIOT is nothing!! AND I hope the dog gets better and gets a new owner, one he doesn’t have to be afraid of!! THERE is absolutely no sense in what this creature did to the animal!!! GIVE him at least 20 yrs. in prison, he deserves that, to be served every day!!! And make sure he does not own an animal, doesn’t come within 500 yds. of an animal, and cannot even associate at all with any animal!! Fine him $200,000!! He deserves every bit if this punishment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. How did Miami Dade Police Department not arrest this demon earlier, or Sweetwater, which is another joke of a Police department?? This is just horrific.

  9. This is a serial killer in the making, this was just the beginning for him. Let this low life go free, and next we will be hearing about how many people he murdered. He doesn’t deserve to live among us. Go ahead, and give him the needle now, so he’s no longer living in our society!!!

  10. This disgusting pos monster needs to be beat with a steel bat! What a freak he is. Why didn’t the neighbors report him sooner?? I hope the dog was removed from him.

  11. Usually these stories say that the animal is in the hands of such and such. Did this dog not get taken away?? If not, why not?? AND WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN FLORIDA?? And these animal abusers, torturers, killers, etc. almost all seem to be in about the same age group. I pity the upcoming generations that will have to be under the rule of these sick pathetic creatures. You cannot call them human because a human would not do something like this to innocent creatures. May he rot to death in jail and then burn in hell for eternity. He deserves NOTHING less!!

  12. For over four months this went on and someone finally called for “help”? I have no words. This creep needs to be deleted, along with all of his kind, period.


  14. Please do this to him..the dumb ass laws don’t seem to understand that people that do this have much more wrong than you know. So when someone one does this to an animal they should not be free they are the evil that can’t be fixed..He has probably been abusive to other people and animals.

  15. This repeat abuser was known to others and yet was a REPEAT abuser. There should have been action after the FIRST knowledge of abuse.
    Max sentence.
    And yes, update on the dog’s location and condition.

  16. This evil and cruel less than human should not be near children, elderly and other animals. He is cruel to his core and should be locked away from society. Too many suffer from evil like this. Put him under the jail.

    • Although I find these folks vile wishing for death for them really makes you no better than they are. Should he be locked up and would it be sweet if someone maybe knocked him around a bit it sure would, but wishing for him to die is not ok either. FL has the death penalty BTW as do many other states but since he is white he most likely wouldn’t end up there especially if he has any money. Mostly poor and brown people end up being n death row

      • give him to me for 5 minutes and he will never hurt another animal. these people deserve no pass or compassion they are soulless monsters who shouldn’t be allowed to breath.

        • and bleeding heart liberals like you are the reason we have these problems in the first place. i know lets sit him down and hold his hand. give him some hot chocolate and read him a bed time story. your pathetic.

      • Are you the same snivelling Social Justice Warrior Sarah who commented under the article about the ghetto trash who beat her dog with a frying pan????? Seriously, GFY. A hell of a lot of people deserve to have their oxygen supply cut off permanently.

      • Omg enough with the race card. It’s so damm old and annoying. Yes he should be killed wether in jail or in the streets of bedlam. U don’t abuse an innocent loving animal EVERRRRRR. HES A LOW LIFE ILLITERATE POS AND SHOULD BE TREATED THE EXACT SAME WAY. SO SCUM BONDED OUT,,,,,,like every white yellow pink blue brown black person. Have you seen the news lately. Brown and black people doing a lot of crimes and not even going through bail. Just walk out so catch up. Give up the race card. White people are the minority Things are changing

      • wow, how low can you be? this is ALL about Animals and you have the nerve to come on here and pull out your race card? GTFO, and take your card With you. Wanna Reality Check? MOST ANIMAL ABUSE IS DONE BY NON CAUCASIAN PEOPLE. We Don’t throw that in Your face repeatedly, we try to Help The Animals that are hurt, Like THIS one.

      • it doesn’t matter what happens to these people are you one of those people that don’t believe in the death penalty of course you wouldn’t. It doesn’t matter what people do on this earth somebody will always say they don’t believe in the death penalty how pathetic.

  17. Poor dog is probably dead or severly injured and still a punching bag….WHY WASN’T THE DOG
    This pos was allowed to bond out and go right home to his unfortunate animal…what do you think happened to this abused animal when he returned ?

    • exactly that’s what I was thinking. unfair justice. maybe my friend Bubba should pay this jerk a home check visit ? and introduce my friend karma.


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