HomeAnimal CrueltyMan Charged For Stealing, Beating Neighbor's Dog To Death

Man Charged For Stealing, Beating Neighbor’s Dog To Death

Fries, VA – A Virginia man is facing charges for stealing his neighbor’s dog and beating their pet to death. As reported by WDBJ News, Alexander Davis, Jr. admitted to the police that he took the dog, Ghost, and beat him to death. Davis Jr. claims that the killing is in response to the death of his chickens.

He explained his motive, telling Ghost’s owners that he took their dog:

“because he found his chickens dead a few days prior and believed they took his dead chickens and ‘hauled them off’. He said when he [saw] their dog, he ‘killed him and hauled him off too’.”

Ghost’s owner said that he disappeared on December 21. She found him a day later, bloodied in a discarded Amazon box.

Ghost’s body underwent a necropsy to determine the cause of death. The report states that the dog died from blunt force trauma to the head and that:

“the dog was alive, and most likely conscious, for all the blows to the head.”

When Davis Jr. was arrested, he admitted to the deputy that he killed Ghost and stated that “he wished it wouldn’t have came down to it.”

Ghost’s killer is facing a felony animal larceny charge and a misdemeanor animal cruelty charge. He has already been released from jail.

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  1. IDIOT-SICKO Alexander Davis should be charged with CRUEL MURDER & thrown in Prison for at least 20 yrs — the Depraved idiot had the option to NOT KILL Doggie-Ghost — even IF responsible for dead Chickens, Ghost does NOT deserve such horror — ALL Animals are innocent & vulnerable & deserve love & care ALWAYS.

  2. He came home and caught the dog killing his chickens, he asked the neighbors to put the dog up and pay for his chickens. They refused to do so. A day later the dog was caught in a trap right beside his chicken coop IN HIS YARD! Trying to kill the last of his/ his kids chickens. The law states you can kill an animal over live stock. Does not say how you have to kill it, Chickens are live stock. He did what he had to do what he had to in order to protect his livestock.

    • FIRST, we should NOT be abusing and killing Animals AT ALL — they are innocent and vulnerable and deserve our love and care — PERIOD.

  3. ‘Already released from jail.’ That’s our ‘justice system’ in some states regarding animal cruelty. The scum bag is a danger to the community!

  4. if this was my dog he would have way more than chickens to think about. got the right to protect my property and my dog is part of my property. but hey, he would never have to worry about chickens ever again, so win win!

    • Sally — whose side are you on ? — FIRST, we should NOT be abusing and killing Animals AT ALL — they are innocent and vulnerable and deserve our love and care — PERIOD.

  5. What a disgusting pos monster this creep is. How does he know the dog killed his chickens?? He just assumed it and went after the dog. Why didn’t he talk to his neighbors first? Because he’s a stinking coward!! He needs to be beat with a steel bat.

  6. That heartless monster should be in the electric chair! That poor dog needs justice.

    Please go to change org and sign my petition about needing to end all animal cruelty worldwide.

  7. If the man had any nerves at all, he would have confronted the person that owned the dog and asked if he killed his chickens!! If so, something could have been worked out!! Maybe the man let the chickens run around in the yard, it didn’t say in the notice, so in any case since he never made contact with the owner, the IDIOT murdered the dog!! In my book it carries the same penalty as that of a human!! This dog had a SOUL!! So in any shape of the law, the man had NO RIGHT to kill the dog!! He doesn’t even know if the dog killed the chickens it could have been a fox or another dog!! Maybe the dog was playing with the chickens!! I do know that Chickens make a LOT of noise when there is something bothering them, WHY didn’t the IDIOT check on the chickens then?? AND is the life of a chicken more important than that of a dog??


  9. This subhuman needs to be culled. I cannot believe the animal abuse in the US!!! It is just as bad as uncivilised China and Indonesia, which have shocking reputations for animal cruelty, and indeed no laws for animal protection. Justice for Ghost, who must have suffered unimaginable pain. This shocking act of cruelty MUST be punished – there need to be serious consequences for such depraved acts. The brutality of this scumbag murderer is simply unconscionable. Deeply disturbing ……….

  10. That person is a menace to all, has no sense or compassion; obviously he was “growing” chickens to slaughter and eat them and wasn’t concerned for their being killed, just that he didn’t get to eat the meat. Animals are innocent of our special knowledge of good/evil or right/wrong, yet they so often behave FAR better than many people. To beat an innocent dog to death, and so painfully to boot? MONSTER.

  11. This is horrendous!!! Does he not realize this was an innocent victim? So stupid!!! He’s mad at neighbor so the dog pays the price!!! Disgusting behavior!!! Where is petition to do something to protect more animals from this monster??? I’ll sign!!!

  12. He’s sorry that it came to that what a piece of garbage! What gives you the right to beat to death a defenseless animal. He needs to pay huge fines and his picture needs to be posted and he needs to be humiliated for what he did put him in jail. Make an example Virginia there’s no excuse for this.

  13. People like his are never given what they deserve. Again as I said in another comment, if he had done this to a person he would be in jail now. I would gladly provide justice here and it would not be pretty. What a piece of dreck. I am not a fan of the death penalty because it condemns to death people who are innocent, black people, and others who should not be killed, but for this useless man, I say go for it.

  14. This is despicable!!! It could have been any other animal that got his chickens!!! Justice for Ghost!!! The punishment should fit the crime!!!!


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