HomeAnimal CrueltyRescue Founder Facing Felony Animal Cruelty Charges After Dead Dogs Found

Rescue Founder Facing Felony Animal Cruelty Charges After Dead Dogs Found

St. Paul, MN – On Monday, the founder of a dog rescue organization was charged with multiple counts of animal cruelty following a lengthy investigation prompted by the discovery of eight dead puppies dumped near the Mississippi River in October 2023.

According to sources, 36-year-old Carley Mackenzie Ryan, the founder of the For Furever Animal Rescue, was charged with 22 counts of animal cruelty, including four felony level charges, after investigators discovered neglectful, cruel conditions at her Andover rescue agency.

As reported by KSTP News, the eight puppies died from parvovirus after she acquired them at an auction in September. The puppies were not taken to a veterinarian but were provided care by Ryan. They ultimately died a “natural death” before being dumped by the river.

Acting on a search warrant, investigators found deplorable conditions at the rescue facility that had an “overwhelming odor of feces and urine,” and a layer of feces covering the floor. Prosecutors said that the dogs at the facility lacked access to food and water and were kept in cages that were too small.

A total of 22 dogs were seized from the facility and taken for veterinary care. Eight of the seized dogs had to be euthanized.

Ryan has stated that she was overwhelmed and did the best she could to care for the dogs, stating that she would “never intentionally hurt any of them.” She is no longer working in the “animal rescue community.”

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  1. Make CRUEL Carley Mackenzie Ryan pay for her horrific crimes to Animals — she WILL repeat — the DERANGED are NOT fit for Caretaking — Ensure she NEVER AGAIN owns Animals — we MUST PROTECT our Animals & ensure NO REPEATS.

  2. I don’t believe her!! She knew to take the puppies to the VET before they went through the horrible disease they had, she knew to take the puppies to the VET to have their shots given, and she would have found out that she has sick puppies, AND maybe some of them, if not all of them, would have lived with a VET’s care!!! If anyone believes this woman, too bad, I DON’T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. this is the worst kind of abuser. the kind that hides among us. she runs a rescue and then makes excuses how so many dogs died in her care. if your overwhelmed reach out and get help dumb ass. don’t keep rolling along taking money and not using it for your dogs. abuser and thief sad combination.


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