HomeDogsPit Bull Breeder Fatally Mauled By Dogs

Pit Bull Breeder Fatally Mauled By Dogs

Compton, CA – A Compton man, reported to be a pit bull breeder, was fatally mauled at a residence on Friday morning. According to sources, a 911 call was made around 8 a.m. by a woman who said her 35-year-old boyfriend was severely injured.

The man, whose identity has not been released, was found dead in one of the dog kennels in the backyard of the Thorson Avenue property; 13 dogs and puppies were found on the property.

Sheriff’s Lt. Michael Gomez said, “Our victim was in the backyard, apparently feeding them, and it sounds like they attacked him ultimately he succumbed to these injuries.”

According to Fox 11 News, the victim was breeding the pit bulls “for a living” on the property. The dogs have been seized; it is unclear what their fate will be. The authorities are investigating.


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  1. This is do wrong dogs would not attack if ” owner” treat them better .when will people reals this.Far too many innocents are pts through the guilty .abusers ! To kill all of those innocents Is a CRIME .!

  2. This is do wrong dogs would not attack if ” owner” treT them better .when will people reals this.Far too many innocents are pts through the guilty .abusers ! To kill all of those innocents I’d a CRIME .!

  3. POS got what he deserved, too bad the dogs will pay for that garbage person’s karma. And don’t tell me the neighbors didn’t hear all those dogs barking and shame on his girlfriend and shame on anyone else who lives there they all need the same fate.

  4. Dirty rats euthanized all dogs including 8 puppies! One thing we learned from Michael Vick dogs is most dogs can be rehabilitated and become good dogs. Those 8 puppies deserved a chance. Shame on them!

  5. W.Wright your comment is bull shit, these breeds are used by types who train them to fight and ruin the Dogs reputation, what about the thousands of these breeds who are the very best family members! As always the dogs get blamed !!!

    • Sorry folks but you are wrong – how many cases where these dogs have been in a family for years without incident only to have some thing set them off and attack the very people that cared for them and unlike most other dogs that bite and back away these things keep on attacking. I stand by my original comments- they are not to be trusted.

  6. Is this not Karma at play here or what. ? Don’t care what owners of these fucking things say about them they are dangerous, unpredictable and are not to be trusted Almost every time you hear about fatal dog attacks on people or other pets these things are usually responsible. They should all be fucking euthanized.

    • People are always at the root of it. Only an idiot would blame the dogs (but unfortunateIy the world doesn’t have a shortage of idiots). The dogs exist in their present form because filthy bloodthirsty “humans” breed and torture them for “human” entertainment and gambling. Same with bullfighting. Can you imagine “humans” paying to watch and cheer a poor animal be tormented and tortured to death? They do.

      The dogs are victims, from start to finish. They did not invent themselves, and most of them are more easily rehabilitated (through love) than the “humans” who are the cause of the problem.

  7. They will probably put those dogs down, unless for some miracle, someone who specializes in that breed, steps in and takes them & saves their poor lives. His GF should be charged with breeding them and obviously abusing them. It’s got to be OUTLAWED !

  8. Mamma dog protecting her babies….I do not feel sorry for this breeder at all. I hope the babies find a good home. Don’t think mama can be saved, I’m sure DNA will tell who did the mauling, but I’m sure they all feasted on this monster’s remains.

    • All thirteen dogs/puppies were killed, yesterday, I believe. At least they took out one dogfight breeder before being executed, may they all be in heaven now.

  9. There needs to be stricter laws against breeding and making sure all dogs are spayed and neutered. Too many pathetic people make a living off innocent animals instead of getting a real job. Sometimes dogs fight back against them and it’s just sad the dogs may pay the price. I can only hope the puppies stand a chance at a better life then this low life had planned for them. The girlfriend is no better as she knew what he was doing and as long as the money rolled in she didn’t care. If there was dog fighting or drugs involved she should be arrested.

  10. This person was up to no good. Breeding pit bulls for a living in Compton most likely means he was involved in drugs and guns too. The dogs deserved better in this life. A life of treating dogs as a commodity to sell rather than to love got this person what they deserved.

    • Je suis totalement d’accord avec vous ! contente qu’il y ai un sac à merde de moins sur cette terre mais oui évidemment cette ordure se faisait de l’argent sur ses chiens et devait les maltraiter et maintenant ces pauvres chiens vont être euthanasiés à cause de cette pourriture

  11. Couldn’t have happened you a more deserving person. These idiots breed these beautiful dogs to be aggressive which they are not but abuse, starvation andctraining them to be vicious gives Pitbulls a hortible rep and now the dogs will pay the price by probably being euthanized.
    Glad they at least took one lousy breeder out of action.

    • I’m right with you, one less BACKYARD BREEDER who makes his lazy as* living off the backs of the dogs he breeds. Betting he never reported his income either! While the rest of us pay taxes!
      I’m just sick for the dogs as you are right they will pay the ultimate price for his stupidity! Rescues are overwhelmed right now, I pray one comes forward for the dogs at least test them and give them a chance!


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