HomeCatsThousands Of Cattle Dead In Massive Smokehouse Creek Fire

Thousands Of Cattle Dead In Massive Smokehouse Creek Fire

Texas – Wildfires devasting the Texas Panhandle region have claimed the lives of more than 7,000 cattle. The Smokehouse Creek Fire, which broke out on February 26, has spread to over a million acres and is the largest wildfire in Texas history.

As reported by CBS News, there are large numbers of injured cattle who may have to be euthanized because of their burns. Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller told CBS News:

“Their hooves are burned off, their udders are burnt beyond – they can’t nurse their babies. We’ll actually end up having to put a lot of cattle down just because they won’t be able to make it, even though they survived.”

Ranchers are facing tremendous losses beyond the death of the livestock. Thousands of miles of fencing have been destroyed, as well as grazing land. The impact from the fires will be felt for years to come.

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  1. Gee maybe they should have raked the prairie, isn’t that about what republicans said to California after they had wildfires? Rake the forest then you won’t have wildfires. Just saying.

  2. do people notice all the wildfires, chicken and cattle farms mysteriously burning to the ground, train derailments more than i have seen in my lifetime. does anyone question why these things are happening. i am all for keeping the planet safe and viable but these people are nuts! they base all their craziness not on science but on activism. once again the animals suffer for our stupidity. people need to wake up and care for our own. put laws in place to protect the innocent and vulnerable instead of making the criminals victims and arresting the victims. it’s a shame how politics has taken a strong hold on all that is going wrong in america.

  3. We need to stop worrying about problems in other countries and start taken care of our own.When the hell are we going to learn that?All the billions of dollars sent to shit hole countries that hate us anyway.KEEP the money here and start helping the people in America.

    • 100% agree! Kick backs possibly for money sent to other countries!
      Our tax money belongs in our Country not overseas to those who hate Americans!
      Just stop the insanity!

  4. Poor cows, suffering so much pain and dying so horribly. They shouldn’t have been brought into this world in the first place, to be slaughtered for burgers and other “food.” And then ranchers exterminate wild horses, prairie dogs and others for “invading” the grazing land. I’d bet there are barbecue jokes being spewed on news sites by “beef” eaters out there as I type. People with their “animal ag” and other horrendous industries are an extreme disgrace.

  5. The smart people of Texas know full well that this fire was an attack by the government ! They used a “ Direct Energy weapon “ to start the fires and to murder thousands of of cattle. This is retaliation for either “ Abbott “ stopping the border illegals or to send a message to Texas Citizens!


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