HomeAnimal Cruelty27 Golden Retrievers Rescued From Deplorable In-Home Breeding Situation

27 Golden Retrievers Rescued From Deplorable In-Home Breeding Situation

Hopkinton, Rhode Island – Over two dozen golden retrievers have been rescued from deplorable conditions at an in-home breeding situation. As reported by News Nation Now, the dogs were removed from a residence in Hopkinton last Friday after officials went to the home to investigate an unlicensed breeding operation.

The rescue included 20 puppies and seven adult dogs living in conditions described as “horrendous.”

The dogs’ owner willingly surrendered the dogs to the Rhode Island Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RISPCA); the puppies should be ready for adoption in four to six weeks, and the adult dogs will be available in three to six months.

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  1. I hope each and every pup and dog rescued ends up with great, responsible. loving, smart people. Licensed or unlicensed, all dog breeders should occupy “shelter” cages in place of all of those dogs.

    • I disagree with you in that each dog that is bred should occupy shelter cages!! NO dog should be caged unless moving him/her from one place to another or for sleep at night!! NO ONE should have this many dogs that they breed!! It is senseless and the word M O N E Y sticks to my brain!! EVERY dog should have a home to live in with the people that live there!! These dogs needed that home as well as outside to do their business and to play and to be with the people!! THAT is why you have a ‘puppy mill’ in the making!! They didn’t sell all the dogs, that is why they have 7 adults and that runs into problems with the pups too!! I still say, that in the world today, there needs to be a license to breed, a microchip and registration for every dog, for them to be neutered/spayed!! THAT at least will cut down significantly on the dogs, that have a SOUL, to be euthanized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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