HomeAnimal RescueUnique, Terrified Shepherd Shut Down And Scheduled For Euthanasia

Unique, Terrified Shepherd Shut Down And Scheduled For Euthanasia

Update 3/18/2024: Duncan was adopted!!

Modesto, CA – On February 16, a unique liver-colored German shepherd was taken in at the Stanislaus Animal Services Agency in Modesto. The dog, dubbed Duncan, was wearing a collar but nobody came to the facility to claim him.

Duncan is not doing well at the facility. He is terrified and shut down. He has spent much of his time pacing and searching for an owner who is not coming.

And now, this sad, confused dog is on the list of unwanted pets to be euthanized this Saturday (March 16).

Duncan deserves a chance. Please share his adoption information to help save his life.

Find Duncan’s adoption profile at this link.

ID# A581226
Located At: Stanislaus Animal Services Agency
Description: Shelter staff named me Duncan.
I am a male, red German Shepherd Dog mix.
Age: My age is unknown.
More Info: I have been at the shelter since Feb 16, 2024.
I am available for adoption or rescue on Feb 20, 2024

Location: Stanislaus Animal Services Agency
Website: www.stanislausanimalservices.com/
Address: 3647 Cornucopia Way
Modesto, CA 95358

Note: All inquiries about this dog must be made directly to the shelter. Animal Victory is not the point of contact and has no affiliation with this dog or this facility. Thank you.

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  1. WTF! Why euthanize such a precious dog? I’m so afraid that a psychopath will come to adopt him and that’s much more horrible then a safe shelter…Please take good care of this poor soul….I live in The Netherlands, otherwise I would run to him!!


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