HomeAnimal CrueltyMan Arrested For Kicking Small Dog In Anaheim

Man Arrested For Kicking Small Dog In Anaheim

Anaheim, CA – Anaheim police have arrested a man who was captured on video kicking a small dog. As reported by ABC News 7, 35-year-old Joseph Michael Sanders was arrested on Thursday. The authorities thanked the public for providing tips to identify the person observed in the disturbing video footage.

The Anaheim Police Department said:

“We want to thank the public for coming forward and assisting our detectives with identifying Sanders,”

Surveillance video from the morning of April 7 captured Sanders kicking the dog, who appears to be a puppy, and then beating it for the next 20 seconds as the pup screams in agony.

Search efforts are still underway to find the victimized pup. Anyone with information about the case or the puppy’s whereabouts is urged to call police at (714) 765-1900.

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National Animal News Official Merchandise

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  1. One thing you people haven’t said, the pup may be at the Rainbow Bridge too!! He either gave the pup away, took him out and just dropped him off and if anyone finds him, they won’t know he is a wanted pup, and he could have killed the little fellow!! It happens when stupid IDIOTS get hold of an animal!! All the animal can do is yell or holler, he can’t scream help!! That is one of the biggest reasons I have written to the house and senate delegates to have a law passed, “All dogs must be spayed/neutered at a price no more than $40!! All dogs must have a microchip and be registered when given or sold or found!! The price of microchipping is $15 in my state and nothing for registering the dog!! A small price to pay when you have a dog that is injured or killed by some sleaseball!!!!!!!!! Just check the microchip to see who the owner was!!

  2. UPDATE –
    Anaheim, CA – Anaheim police have arrested a man who was captured on video kicking a small dog. As reported by ABC News 7, 35-year-old Joseph Michael Sanders was arrested on Thursday. The authorities thanked the public for providing tips to identify the person observed in the disturbing video footage.

    THANK YOU to the Anaheim police & to the individuals that spoke up in order to catch this vile human being. Only a vile coward would kick a defenceless puppy. Joseph Michael Sanders must never be allowed to own animals. A lifetime ban. Joseph Michael Sanders must get jail time – 2 yrs. Let me at him! If the law allowed I’d like to punch him in the face multiple times, kick him in the gonads multiple times & if the law allowed I’d like to spit in his face multiple times.

  3. Karma always delivers this Demon needs to be removed from Society he’s a danger to all ! What happened to the puppy 🐶 doesn’t say 🤔 💔🥺


  5. The demon is being charged with felony animal cruelty, I just read, and that would be thanks to President Trump signing that into law. I hope Sanders is made sorry for his vileness, forever.

  6. They need to beat the whereabouts of that poor dog out of that demon, “horse”whip him until he tells the truth. He probably brutally killed and disposed of the pup to “get rid of evidence.” He should never walk the streets free again. I pray for the pup’s safety and wellness, or that he/she is in Heaven where dogs belong.

  7. Poor puppy! I’m glad they got the perp and hope he’ll actually face consequences rather than being let out the next day. As for the pup, it’s been so long now, that I’m afraid an injured puppy wouldn’t have been able to survive that long on the streets where there are cars, other bad people, coyotes that come down from the hills, predatory birds, etc. 😿

  8. He should get exactly what he gave the puppy, plus jail time and a hefty fine, and never be allowed to own another animal.

    • I feel exactly the same. it’s past time that criminals get away with a slap on the wrist whether the victim is animal or human. Whatever they did to the victim should be their punishment.

    • that right you got that right all these Animal people so-called Animal people that beat on Animals these Pos these ones that abuse animals and neglect animals I hope they get cancer and stuff along terminal death and I hope it’s not fast


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