HomeAnimal RescueMen Rescued 38 Dogs From Lake

Men Rescued 38 Dogs From Lake

Grenada, MS – Earlier this month, two men headed out for a day of fishing on Grenada Lake, and with the help of their fishing guide, they wound-up rescuing dozens of dogs. It is a strange and wonderful story, and it is making a splash on social media.

At the heart of the story are Bob Gist, a State Farm Insurance agent, his friend, Brad Carlisle, and their fishing guide Jordan Chrestman. The men intended to catch some crappie on the lake, but their plans changed when they observed several dogs swimming far from shore.

Because the dogs were so far from land, the men decided to head out to check on them. As they got closer, they realized that there were more than a few dogs…there were dogs everywhere and it was a mystery why they were so far from the shore.

It turned out that the dogs were part of a Fox Run being held at Lake Grenada; they all had large numbers painted on their sides and were wearing expensive E-collars. The dogs had chased after a deer who jumped into the lake and the dogs pursued.

Before they knew it, the dogs were so far from land that they did not know how to get back, so they were swimming in circles, getting more and more exhausted with each lap.

The men could see that the dogs were tired, so they began pulling them into their boat, one by one until the boat was full and then they transported them to shore where their frantic owners were waiting. After dropping off the hounds, the men went back out and gathered what they believed were the last of the wayward pups.

After returning to shore, one of the dog owners approached them and said that his GPS tracker showed four dogs still in the lake. When the men reached the remaining dogs, they were so tired that they could barely keep their heads above water…in fact, one dog was slipping beneath the surface just as Bob Gist pulled it to safety.

When all was said and done, a total of 38 dogs were rescued from the lake. The dogs’ owners did not have a boat and if not for these heroes, the hounds may not have made it out of the lake alive.

As for Bob Gist, the State Farm agent, the incident was practically made for a commercial…

Great work!!

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  1. These guys are gems well done and for your compassion and kindness.
    As for the hunters get a nicer hobby and appreciate your dogs

  2. Should have arrested the damn owners – God only knows what illegal crap THEY are doing on a regular basis.
    Low-life garbage.

  3. All of the dogs need rescuing from their sadistic “owners” too! Thank goodness for the men who saved them at least.

  4. New flash don’t run innocent dogs to terrorize innocent wildlife near a lake. Idiot owners…hope they learned a lesson. Thank God this man was there and kind enough to rescue these poor dogs.

    • Those dogs are nothing but commodities to their owners whose only goal is to kill living creatures for fun because it’s obviously not a sport. If you’ve ever seen a fox running for his life followed by dogs and men riding horses, it’s quite apparent what an unfair advantage exists matter what you call it.


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