HomeAnimal CrueltyLitter Of Crated Puppies Abandoned In Texas Heat

Litter Of Crated Puppies Abandoned In Texas Heat

Tarrant County, TX – Someone left a litter of crated puppies to die in the extreme Texas heat. Thankfully, a good Samaritan spotted the pups in a crate and reached out for help.

The Tarrant County Sheriff’s office said, “Yesterday a litter of puppies were left in a field inside a carrier with no water on a 100° day.” Miraculously the puppies were saved before the intense heat claimed their lives.

The pups were cooled down and taken in by Fort Worth Animal Control. After the puppies are examined by a veterinarian they will be placed up for adoption.

Find Fort Worth Animal Control on Facebook at this link.

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  1. thank god these officers were able to save them. there is no excuse for doing this. how can you look into the eyes of these poor babies and just leave them there to die? a petition just came up about a 6 week old kitten that was doused in gasoline and set on fire and laughed as she burned, she had to be euthanized her burns were so severe. i can’t imagine the pain and fear that little cat must have felt. this was done by a 10 and 15 year old pieces of shit. they should receive the same but this is the world we have created where young kids have the heartlessness to do something like this. this is the serial killer starter kit. these crimes are being committed by children and young adults many being female. don’t hide their identity. if your man enough to do this let everyone know what a piece of shit your truly are.

  2. thank god these officers were able to save them. there is no excuse for doing this. how can you look into the eyes of these poor babies and just leave them there to die? a petition just came up about a 6 week old kitten that was doused in gasoline and set on fire and laughed as she burned, she had to be euthanized her burns were so severe. i can’t imagine the pain and fear that little cat must have felt. this was done by a 10 and 15 year old pieces of shit. they should receive the same but this is the world we have created where young kids have the heartlessness to do something like this. this is the serial killer starter kit. these crimes are being committed by children and young adults many being female. don’t hide their identity. if your man enough to do this let everyone know what a piece of shit your truly are.

  3. The cretin(s) that did this to those dear pups should be found and put in prison for life, preferably in a steel cage in the desert. That wasn’t a mistake due to ignorance, it was malicious and meant to make those babies suffer horribly and starve and die slowly. Such people need to be removed from existence.

    • Honestly could it get any worse???? down to this now..poor innocent pups left to die what is the world coming too..Stone cold hearts
      no conscience no mercy or compassion it seems. Eye for an eye!!!

      • I’m sick to the stomach when I hear of all the cruel actions of so called humans and agree that the punishments given should be much harsher than those given at present.

        • People have a problem with appropriately punishing animal abusers because society approves of so much LEGAL animal abuse, torture and killing…stuff they think is “necessary” like animal experimentation, the meat industry, etc.

        • People have a problem with appropriately punishing animal abusers because society approves of so much LEGAL animal abuse, torture and killing…stuff they think is “necessary” like animal experimentation, the meat industry, etc.

      • I’m sick to the stomach when I hear of all the cruel actions of so called humans and agree that the punishments given should be much harsher than those given at present.

      • Oh, it does get even worse…things I’ve seen done to innocent, gentle, scared dogs and other animals will haunt me forever. Things they do LEGALLY in “research labs” and meat farms, for example, because people are brainwashed into thinking those things are necessary evils. These sorts of people are purposely sending themselves to hell, that’s how stupid they are.

      • Oh, it does get even worse…things I’ve seen done to innocent, gentle, scared dogs and other animals will haunt me forever. Things they do LEGALLY in “research labs” and meat farms, for example, because people are brainwashed into thinking those things are necessary evils. These sorts of people are purposely sending themselves to hell, that’s how stupid they are.

    • Honestly could it get any worse???? down to this now..poor innocent pups left to die what is the world coming too..Stone cold hearts
      no conscience no mercy or compassion it seems. Eye for an eye!!!

  4. It’s very sad to hear about all the animal cruelty that is going on. It’s plain evil. Judgement day will come to those that abuse & who are cruel.

  5. Whoever did this is a soulless devil and I hope karma bites them in the butt so hard, they never recover! I’m glad the babies were rescued and are doing well.


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