HomeNational Animal NewsIntuitive Dog Jumps Into Lake To Save Struggling Fawn

Intuitive Dog Jumps Into Lake To Save Struggling Fawn

An intuitive dog named Harley recently took it upon himself to save a fawn from drowning. On June 2, his owner, Ralph Dorn, posted a video of the dog’s heroics to Facebook, and recounted what happened, writing:

I couldn’t find Harley this evening until I looked out on the lake. He was near the middle of the lake herding a little fawn back to the shore line. Not sure how the fawn got out there but Harley obviously didn’t ask why, he just jumped into action.

Dorn continues:

This morning Harley got restless running from window to window. I opened the front door and we could hear the fawn bleating. Harley ran into the tree line and found the fawn. The little one stopped bleating, tail wagging, they touched noses sniffed each other and Harley came calmly back to the house with me.

And the best ending to the story…the fawn’s mother came back. Great job Harley!!

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