HomeFeaturedAntibiotic Resistant Respiratory Virus Spreading Across The Nation

Antibiotic Resistant Respiratory Virus Spreading Across The Nation

Less than a week ago, National Animal News reported on a deadly virus impacting dogs in multiple states. Many people asked if the virus was regional, or nationwide – the short answer is that it is nationwide.

Dr. Carly Fox, senior veterinarian at Schwarzman Animal Medical Center, told PIX11 News:

“I think people should be mildly worried.”

Dogs impacted by the virus, which has been discovered in at least 10 states so far, are not responding to antibiotics, and it seems to progress to pneumonia quickly.


Pet owners should be vigilant and watch for symptoms of the virus, which include: persistent cough, nasal discharge, discharge from the eyes, lethargy, and fever. Take your dog to a veterinarian at the first sign of sickness to help prevent the virus from progressing to a point of no return.

Take Precautions

Pet owners are being advised to avoid taking their dogs to states on the West Coast. People on the West Coast should avoid dog parks, grooming salons, doggy daycare facilities, and other areas where a large number of dogs visit.

Continue reading: Senior dog, Hit By Car, Can Be Put Down At Any Time

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  1. Antibiotics do not work against viruses, they work against bacteria, and so the title and information presented in the article are factually misleading. Only vaccines, proven safe and effective can help to protect our furry friends against a virus. Hopefully the virus can be isolated soon and a safe and effective vaccine produced. While aerial spraying, pesticides and herbicides most definitely contaminate our environment they don’t necessarily correlate with the natural mutations in viruses, which then go onto cause disease. I am not familiar with the effect of flea and tick medication on the immune system in an animal predisposing it to a decreased immune response against a new virus, but I would be willing to review any peer reviewed studies you could provide on the subject. Finally GMO products and (to my knowledge) denatured foods have not been shown to be harmful. The average lifespan of a dog has increased from an average of 8 to 10 years in 1800 (when things were more “natural”) to average of 15 years today. I for one will not be demanding a return to the more “natural” earlier, death of my beloved pet.

  2. Hmmm, aside from the pesticides and herbicides (poison), chemicaI flea and tick products (poison), the vaccines (poison) denatured pet foods (contain toxins and GMOs), aerial spraying (contains toxins which contaminate the environment, incIuding water), what couId it be?

    It’s a wonder any are still alive, but immune systems everywhere are being weakened, damaged, destroyed. It’s time to demand a return to the natural.


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