HomeCatsCat Surrendered A Year Ago Desperately Needs A Home Of Her Own,...

Cat Surrendered A Year Ago Desperately Needs A Home Of Her Own, Shelter Issues Poignant Plea

Titusville, FL – A Florida animal shelter is doing its utmost to find a home for a stressed cat who was surrendered by her family last year. The SPCA of Brevard Adoption Center explains that 7-year-old Thelma lost the only home she ever knew because changes in the household dynamics caused her extreme stress.

And now, a year later, Thelma is still waiting for someone to take a chance on her. The animal welfare agency writes:

My name is Thelma, I’m about 7 years old and what I want most for Christmas this year is a loving home.

Explaining that Thelma enjoyed a room of her own at the shelter, but she was still stressed:

I was lucky enough to have my own room, and cuddled with my favorite staff members. But I could still see and smell all the other cats which is super stressful, and I get stressed when strangers come in and out of my tiny room. Shelter life is NOT for me. 

Thelma has been moved to an experienced foster home, but that person has a mission to foster hospice/senior/special case cats on an ongoing basis, so Thelma cannot stay longterm.

The shelter is hopeful that SOMEONE will take a chance on Thelma and give her what she wants for Christmas this year:

So Santa, I’m asking for some help. I don’t make a great first impression at the shelter, but when I’m home with my hooman, I love to crawl in their lap, give kisses, sleep next to them, and LOVE playing with toys. I just get grumpy when other cats or small children are around, but I just KNOW there are so many homes out there that don’t have those things!
Please Santa, help me find someone to cuddle up with for Christmas this year!
Love Your Occasionally Problematic But Eternally Grateful,
Thelma ❤🐾

From the shelter:

Thelma is not at the shelter but is available for a Meet & Greet with her Foster Mom at anytime! If you’d like to meet her, you can apply online at https://www.spcabrevard.com/cats-available-for-adoption or call 321-567-3615

Note – Any and all questions about Thelma must be directed to the shelter. Thank you!

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  1. Someone commented they would like to adopt but live in CA. It’s still possible to go and adopt. You can fly in and get the kitty and fly home. All you need is a separate ticket for cat to fly and a soft carrier for her that fits under your seat in the cabin.

  2. I have two cats and rent; therefore, I cannot take in any more cats. As a cat mom, it disturbs me to hear that people would adopt fur babies and then be cruel to them. Thank goodness that one poor cat in Vancouver was rescued by the shelter. Hopefully, a compassionate person can adopt this sweet angel soon.♥️🐈🙏

  3. She is beautiful!! Please make sure that whoever adopts her is checked over extremely thoroughly! There is rampant cases of extreme cat abuse going on. I’m trying to warn all I can. The potential adopters pretend to be good people can be man or women and adopt under the pretense of the cat going to a good home. Only in the end, the are torturing them on video for clicks. Please be careful who this sweet love goes to. I truly hope she finds her loving forever home.

    • Yes this is so TRUE, I’ve read many horrendous cruelty and torture cases where cats were adopted online just to get tortured. I hope there’s a strict policy of this shelter with follow up on the wellbeing of their adopted pets. I knew a woman myself in Vancouver who adopted a cat and treated her horribly, locked her up for punishment if she did “something wrong”. Barley gave her food either. I did report it to the shelter and they took back the cat. But it was fortunate I’ve noticed it and took action, most cases aren’t noticed by anyone! Please dear shelter, take serious steps for a good person will take her home, very precious kitty! I would adopt her but have 3 rescue cats and living in Europe now, good luck dear Thelma!!!


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