HomeFeaturedChild Intentionally Used Sanctuary Animals For 'Target Practice' Killing Horses And A...

Child Intentionally Used Sanctuary Animals For ‘Target Practice’ Killing Horses And A Goat

The person accused of killing the animals is reported to be just nine years of age.

St. George, SC – A child, reported to be just nine years of age, is accused of intentionally shooting animals at a South Carolina animal sanctuary; killing one goat, two horses, and injuring two other horses.

The deadly incident happened at the Shangri-La Animal Sanctuary in Dorchester County on July 29. On July 30, the sanctuary made a public statement about the cruel incident, writing:

I’m sharing this here too. For those of you who haven’t heard, someone in our neighborhood has attacked the sanctuary and shot 4 horses and 1 goat. One horse, a 30 year old off the track thoroughbred was fatally injured, another horse here lost an eye, the other two horses have been severely injured.

Since the July 30 post, one of the injured horses had to be euthanized because of the severity of her injuries. Earlier this week, the sanctuary said that the three-year-old horse had died, explaining:

Run free again sweet girl! We did everything humanely possible to save you but failed. We will get justice for you, Charlotte, Pepsi and Millie. 💔
Huck’s Downtown Girl, aka “Hooker” was humanely euthanized at the vet clinic last night due to severe complications from her injuries to her shoulder. Basically she dislocated the joint in her foreleg, near her withers, due to the impact and trauma of being shot.
A large social media page shared additional details about the cruelty case, claiming that the shooter is not being charged:
The shooter, a 9 year old neighbor boy, was found to be using these animals as target practice.
Dorchester County Sheriff’s Office has declined to press charges against the grandparents/guardians of the boy. The fact that this child obtained and used a weapon against defenseless animals that were in their pastures and the blatant cruelty to animals being dismissed is inexcusable.
People concerned about the lack of charges against the shooter are asked to contact the local authorities:
DCSO Sheriff L.C. Knight
212 Deming Way
Summerville SC 29483
(843) 832-0300

Continue readingBrave Dog Chases Bear Away From Four-Year-Old Boy


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  1. That kid is definitely trained to use a gun based on how he shot those poor defenseless animals! He/she is a menace to society and must be apprehended and given the necessary mediation to address their violent nature. What that kid did to those animals is a precursor of something more drastic in the future. Whatever it is that he/she is going through would be manifested again, and next time, it could be towards humans, therefore, the child deserves to be held by Social Services and be taken from his family because they are not doing their job right in raising a good human being.

  2. Who is related to this sick animal? Sheriff, DA, Mayor, town council member? If someone isn’t related then he must be the wrong color to be charged. Something is very wrong here.

  3. Not only should this child be charged as an adult so should his parents for allowing him to have a gun. I’m sure it wasn’t his first time to shoot as he wouldn’t have been able to shoot so many animals. Guns don’t kill- people do!

  4. And we wonder why the world is becoming more violent and full of more mental illness – well, look right here in this small southern town doing nothing about a 9 year old murderer with easy access to guns and his sick perverted family. Probably inbred, definitely pure evil, the whole lot of them.
    Since the corrupt and ignorant police are doing absolutely nothing about this, the best we can hope for is that some even more demented 7 or 8 year old shoots the 9 year old.
    Thoroughly disgusted with the entire lot of “humanity.”

  5. Remember this when you vote folks, and tell them why. This kid is a serial killer in the making. Maybe his family is related to, or friends with the people in charge who should have filed charges against him and his parents/grandparents? This stinks to high heaven.

  6. This is a really bad kid and someone needs to take responsibility for him having access to a gun. I wonder who he’ll use next as target practice. He needs to be severely punished for this terrible crime.

  7. No accountability by him or his parents. He’s already a serial killer of animals. He’s being given a green light to move on to killing other children, his relatives & anyone he doesn’t like or he sees as an easy mark like the elderly, homeless. At least he should be placed in a facility & receive intensive therapy & training.

  8. Why are there no charges?? A nine-year-old knows right from wrong and he needs to learn there are consequences for ones actions!!! What the hell is wrong with society that kids are doing all kinds of crimes and nothing is done about it. All this does is give them permission to do it again or worse. Studies show that this kind of behaviour leads to being a serial killer. TIME TO PUT A STOP TO IT!! NOW!!! I cannot imagine what the world is going to be like in a few years with these kinds of kids growing up and doing these kinds of crimes. There will not be a society!!!

  9. It’s unfathomable that no one will answer for this horrible crime. How can a gun owner allow a psychopathic minor access to a gun so he can go out and kill animals…and then not be held responsible for the carnage?

    The sanctuary should at least sue the gun owner for the value of the animals and the vet bills.

    By any chance, is the shooter related to someone in the “police dept” in that town?

  10. This sick child needs to be locked up. Don’t give me “mental problems” as an excuse. Sometimes these “issues” will never resolve and locked up is the only hope he won’t hurt or kill another animal.

  11. I advocate for capital punishment for anyone wilfully harming innocent living beings of any species. Age should not be a mitigating circumstance, nor should any other factor. If you take a life other than in a situation of potential loss of your own life or that of another, or in defense of property, your life should be forfeit, quickly, and without making the rest of us pay to feed and house you.
    This should be federal – and global – law.

    • I agree. So when this child kills a toddler or another child, the authorities will still look away. TYPICAL USELESS AUTHORITIES IN AMERICA!!!! This country loves to have their psychos out loose!!! And many psychos ARE THE AUTHORITIES IN USA???!!!
      This child needs SECURE locking up as his grandparents/guardians AREN’T guarding him very well!?! He has to a gun/ammunition?
      Guns and Ammo AREN’T securely locked!! Grandparents should be charged and LOSE ALL WEAPONS….oh but not in America. Not my guns??? How can we kill without guns!!!

      Corporal Punishment would be better. Personally I think this child should be smothered now before he kills more animals or his GRANDPARENTS?? Definitely a PSYCHO IN THE MAKING!!! And only in America do they support thier psychotic murderers!!!

  12. That “child” is the spawn of demons and should not be here on Earth among innocent lives. The “parents” at least should be charged with a serious crime, but in these days of insanity and injustice, they won’t. There will be justice in the end though, for all of us.

  13. Thats a budding Serial Killer in the Making. He should be held responsible for his action. He is old enough to know right from wrong, our candy asses wobt do a damn thing about it,

    • Exactly. This pos kid is a sociopath and he will eventually “graduate” to people. Lock him up forever and lose the keys……..

  14. I hope that the people of this county remember this when elections are held again. Letting this vile and disgusing behavior go with no punishment is reprehensible and shouldn’t be accepted or tolerated. Replace those responsible for the pass.

  15. Heartbreaking that children with a cruel and hideous disposition are causing immense suffering for sentient are not held accountable, he will carry on killing more helpless living beings. This is a nine-year-old child accepted, but he was very much aware of his actions and enjoyed causing pain, killed one and severely injuring four others, and the authorities refuse to take action against this evil and wicked child, he has done this previously and will not stop unless severe steps are taken to punish him.

  16. No charges filed? What the hell is wrong with the authorities? That sends a message that it’s ok to injure and kill innocent animals. The sanctuary needs to sue the little monster’s parents and he needs to spend a long time in juvenile detention!!

    • I agree. Lawsuit for sure but these parents need to be held responsible for this child’s actions. They allowed him to get to the gun.

    • Exactly. Most mass shooters and serial killers started with torturing animals. I think the guardians names and the Lottie Pete’s name should be released and he should be in juvie then as an adult in for life. Guardians should be locked up as well. Well stated

  17. No one is being charged? What are they waiting on? Him to take that gun to his school? And/or use his grandparents as target practice?? It’s absurd that they are just turning a blind eye! They are giving him permission to do something worse by ignoring it. That’s why animal cruelty continues and you can be sure this wasn’t the first time he’s done this and if nothing is done you can be damn sure it won’t be the last!

    • I’m pretty sure that twisted mind got an example in his grand-parents ! I cases such as this, when perpetrated by kids, parents or carers or guardians gave them this awful lack of education, letting them think that animals are here on this earth for us to use and abuse. We should therefore examine carefully the parents/grandparents lives and “education”. Nobody behaves like this without a reason.

  18. Someone knows exactly who did this, so please call the police and have this person arrested, for the love of God someone do something💔😭

    • I am really thinking this is only the beginning of bad things happening to others with this kid. The cruelty at his age with no punishment is very concerning.

    • Yea this is a red flag as to what’s to come. #1 why does he have un supervised access to a gun at 9 years old. The parents need to answer to this. Make them accountable! How long before a gun ends up in school. maybe that’s what he was practicing for or maybe even to kill his parents. There are a lot of factors here that should be seriously looked into.


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