HomeNational Animal News'Demon' Dog Adopted, Despite Frightening Truthful Adoption Biography

‘Demon’ Dog Adopted, Despite Frightening Truthful Adoption Biography

Against all odds, a “demonic” Chihuahua, whose incredibly truthful adoption biography went viral on social media, has been adopted. The two-year-old dog, named Prancer, was being fostered by Tyfanee Fortuna, who penned a rather hilarious adoption profile which garnered an incredible amount of attention. In the biography, Fortuna called Prancer a “Chucky doll in a dog’s body.”

Despite the damning description, which read in part, “I’ve tried for the last several months to post this dog for adoption and make him sound …palatable. The problem is, he’s just not. There’s not a very big market for neurotic, man hating, animal hating, children hating dogs that look like gremlins. But I have to believe there’s someone out there for Prancer, because I am tired and so is my family. Every day we live in the grips of the demonic Chihuahua hellscape he has created in our home,” Ariel Davis, from New Haven Connecticut, decided to take a chance on the pint-sized terror.

Davis had previously shared her life with another neurotic dog, and she felt like she could give Prancer the home that he needed. As for his former foster mom, she’s grateful the little guy is out of her life. She wrote a cheeky Facebook post about Prancer’s adoption:

Time flies when you’re having fun. Time also flies when the Chihuahua who held your family hostage for 6 months finally gets adopted. Prancer is almost a distant nightmare to me now, even though he was adopted just over a week ago. His adoption day was one of the best days of my life. On the flip side, I couldn’t help but feel a bit wrong….it was like expelling myself of a demon and passing it on to someone else. I justify it by knowing it was a consensual exchange, and i couldn’t have made the terms and conditions anymore clear. It also helps that his new victim is madly in love with him (or she has Stockholm syndrome already).

Best of luck in your new home Prancer (and good luck Ariel!!)

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