HomeNational Animal NewsDeputy Placed On Leave After K9 Dies From 'Heat-Related' Injury

Deputy Placed On Leave After K9 Dies From ‘Heat-Related’ Injury

Sparta, Wisconsin – A deputy with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office has been placed on administrative leave following the death of his K9 partner, Kolt. According to the sheriff’s office, Kolt suffered a “heat-related injury” on May 10, and he died from the injury on May 15.

Details of the incident leading to the six-year-old German shepherd’s death have not been released, but a full investigation is underway.

The deputy placed on leave has not been named.

Rest in peace Kolt.

Continue reading: 8-Year-Old Cat Winds Up At Shelter After Her Family Got A Kitten And Decided She Had To Go

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  1. I am so g—–n SICK AND TIRED of these stupid, careless, cruel cops shooting innocent dogs or leaving their K9 in a hot car. And then they get put on “administrative leave” — which is PAID, while “Internal Affairs” “investigates”. And we all know the Internal Affairs department at every cop shop is a huge joke. They’re not investigating ANYTHING, let alone one of their own. Pieces of sh-t.

    • It’s much worse than just neglect. Their “training” requires cruel brutality, including hanging, and I have observed (working in law enforcement) that when the door to torture is opened, the sadists rush in. Then they repeat these cruelties in their off time and brag and laugh about it. But then they deny it in public.

  2. This cop does not have the where with all to take care of the canine assigned to him
    (God bless the canine) What makes those people that are in charge think that idiot will improve. To forget that you have a dog baking in your car is unforgivable. That deputy should be fired.

  3. He should be arrested for animal
    Abuse. What an atrocity ! Nice example the pos ! He doesn’t deserve to wear the badge.

  4. Once again, an innocent soul is dead because of the arrogance and stupidity of a cop. hey kill our children, now they are killing our pets. I hope this cop is tracked down and put in an oven.

  5. So tired of hearing about cops who have murdered someone’s pet by shooting it claiming it was a dangerous animal or a cop who leaves their canine partner in a car to bake. They get away with it almost always and this needs to stop. If the officer involved in this case had endangered his human partner, he would have been fired, maybe criminally charged with something and not hired at another PD. Police dogs wear a badge and are put in harms way every single day. They should be treated just like a human officer, not property or disposable.

  6. R.I.P K9 Kolt you deserve better from your person! I’m sorry but this officer should be FIRED and charged with animal cruelty. There is NO excuse for this and it had to be a horrific death for K9 Kolt. The police need to be setting examples NOT bring part of the problem. I’m total angered by this officer being put on paid leave for such a cruel act.

  7. a K9 deputy on leave after the K9 suffered ?? outrages he must be sacked. Such person one can not be called a deputy with a K9 . He does not care about the animal , and these trained animals are costing the society a lot of money, and besides the money ….. And what is going to be next another K9 at his care ?? He is not worthy to be a deputy , he needs to be sacked !

  8. Police again crusty to their canine partners.The police should be a great example to society.NOTa sham, shameful being criminal themselves.Their uniform is to distinguish them from us the law , and others .All in police force MUST get triple checked out before wearing uniforms , and spot checks while in them.BUT no one even bothers these days to do anything other than what their all want to do…wrong ! Get that kler named , shamed,sacked.and ordered to pay for the vet fees and burial, / cremation of the poor innocent victim!

  9. Rest in Peace K9 Kolt! Sorry you suffered a horrific death, you deserved so much better from your partner!!! 😢

  10. This Officer is a joke!! His neglect led to the death of a beautiful 6 year old K9!! No damn excuse for this !! He should be charged for homicide of an officer and never own another dog in his life!! I am sure he will get a nothing for what he did to this beautiful creature!!

  11. This officer needs should be fired. How in the world can a handler allow his partner to cook to death in a hot car?Personally, I am tired of the abuse these service dogs are forced to endure. This is inexcusable. This is the 4th service dog that I know of that died from heatstroke. This abuse is often covered up. I,for one will never contribute toward the purchase of a service dog again since do many of these dogs have died due to neglect and abuse, not in the line of duty.

  12. Even officers should be held accountable. They r in charge of a living creature. Administration leave isn’t good enough. He should be fired & charged with animal abuse. This poor guy suffered as he died. He deserved a lot better than a tortured death. Animal abuse is abuse no matter who does it. Fire his ass

  13. Donot put him on adm. leave. He needs to be fired and charged with homicide of a canine and cruelty to an animal. Totally unnecessary,this is heinous and irresponsible behavior by the officer responsible.

  14. My comments always get put in perpetual awaiting moderation when I include links, so I’ll just direct readers to look up Stop K9 Torture (dot) com, and anyone who wants further information can contact the email address on that site.

    K9 units have been getting away with torturing their dogs for over a century. They hide it, lie about it, and generally have the public hoodwinked into thinking they aren’t doing what they’re doing. I worked in a police department and made it my mission to investigate and expose this hidden criminal activity.

    It is felony cruelty to animals, and here is another side note: The departments hold public relations campaigns, usually surrounding a big funeral for a K9 killed by a suspect (the handlers kill far more of their own K9s than any suspects, but that gets swept under the rug), and as a result, there was born a new campaign, to provide bullet proof vests for the dogs. But in the overall picture, the dogs suffer far more with those vests on, as they add to heat prostration. And, again, more of the dogs die from abuse and torture by their own handlers.

    • Good information, thank you. Any officer who allows his K9 partner to die a horrible death through this kind of negligence should be dealt with as strictly as possible. I don’t know if they sign anything to become a K-9 unit, but if so, I feel sure that was violated. I personally don’t feel like someone who won’t take better care of an animal needs to be on a police force. I’m sorry Kolt. RIP

      • It’s not just the neglect. There is deliberate torture, like strangling the dogs to unconsciousness, generally by hanging them. At my department they have done it so frequently that they jokingly nicknamed our K9 Unit the “Hang ‘Em High Club.”

        They also won’t tell you that when the dogs are not in use, they are kept isolated in an enclosure, which is psychological torture for a pack animal, which dogs are. I believe the purpose of that is to create a “Stockholm syndrome.” The person who tortures you is also the one who comes to relieve you of your loneliness.

  15. Oops says the “officer” and the department. Hush hush, mustn’t reveal who the thoughtless animal abuser is. “Administrative leave” is in fact a paid vacation, with benefits intact. That’ll teach him! K9 trainers, handlers and officers are almost always cruel and power obsessed, and their deeds such as this one are swept under the rug, and they go on their merry way after the public quickly forgets. Those public relations stunts they do go even further to keep the public stupid regarding K9 torture. May Kolt Rest in Peace forever now. And may someone out there finally do away with all of the evil running loose on this planet.

      • So agree with you! He deserves prison for life. What he did to that dog was murder, plain and simple! What is wrong with his superiors!

    • he needs to be charged with animal abuse and murder nothing less and fired he is dangerous to leave his patner in heat to die . he needs prison time too

    • couldnt agree with u more -some of these people who could need to stop this abuse of animals -makes me madder than a wet hen -its like they dont care

    • They are supposed to love and care for there canine this is the third one like this in the hands of there handler it’s needs to be stopped and NOW 🤬This torture is despicable 🤬

      • Fire him immediately. Take away his retirement. Never let him be hired again as an officer of any law enforcement agency. Period.


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