HomeAnimal CrueltyDevastating Update About Raccoon Intentionally Set On Fire

Devastating Update About Raccoon Intentionally Set On Fire

Quincy, MA – On Friday, devastating news was released about a raccoon who was intentionally set on fire by a man named Andrew Chieu. The New England Wildlife Center informed the public that despite providing round-the-clock care to the injured animal, she passed away.

The post outlines the abused raccoon’s demise:

We were so hopeful we could get her through this tragic event but the damage to her body from the burns ended up being too severe. Yesterday she underwent her third surgery to address her burns and even more tissue had become necrotic since the last procedure. We removed the damaged tissue and applied honey to help with the healing process. Her vitals were stable throughout the process.

This morning we found her more lethargic than usual and shortly after her morning meds she arrested. Though CPR was attempted and emergency medications administered, we simply weren’t able to get her back. We are all very sad today, but don’t regret giving her a chance. We know she was fighting until the end.

Chieu was arrested for intentionally setting fire to a cage containing the raccoon. He is facing felony animal cruelty charges.

Read the original story about this cruelty case here.



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  1. This bastard must be made to suffer. Set him on fire, watch him writhing in pain, and dying without ANY medical aid being administered!

  2. Poor little animal…I hope she at least enjoyed some comforts while under treatment. That “person” who did that to her is foolish and evil beyond description, and I wouldn’t want to be anyone like him, ever, not in a million years or for all the riches on Earth. His deserved fate is absolutely terrifying.

  3. There was a similar case of some wretched girl and her father setting fire to a raccoon and posting it on some social media. Even with an outppouring of petitions, the damn judge basically let her off with barely any punishment.
    We all need to make sure to sign and circulate any petition connected with THIS issue. I am sick and tired of these garbage humans getting away with their torture and murder because some asshole judge won’t do the right thing.
    This is why frankly, I believe in vigilante justice, it’s the only fair kind. Burn injuries are horrific – that poor animal suffered. So should the bastards that do this to any animal.

  4. I totally agree 💯 percent, he’s scum god bless that sweet little baby raccoon 🦝 make sure that all of the other raccoons and other animals are safe for the evil person that killed this poor sweet innocent 😇 angel raccoon 🦝 for no reason.

  5. Know this! This is not the first time he has done this. This is normal for him, he just got caught this time. I pray there is Karma and he is crushed by it, soon.
    Thank you to all the hardworking people who tried to save this Raccoon. God Bless you all for trying so hard.
    RIP Raccoon, we all pray that your death will teach others that this is not acceptable behavior here in America. Maybe in China where this scum bag come from, but not here.

  6. why can’t we please go back to an eye for an eye? That kind of thing worked! This stupid immigrant would learn how we do things here. This isn’t asia, animals are not all food you pig.

    • I agree with doing the same to the perpetrators as they did to the animal.
      Animal cruelty laws suck, and in too many cases, some lousy judge just gives a slap on the wrist.

    • What does his race have to do with this? There are just as many evil people in every race. A lot of evil done to animals is out of anger and comes from low class, hurting and angry people who have trauma from childhood. Others seem to have been born with no heart, sociopaths, psychopaths. But no race is better than another. And just throwing them in jail with no therapy is doing nothing.

  7. RIP innocent soul. Rest in Perfect Love and Comfort, far from this harsh and too often ignorant place. The soulless killer is already in the Hell of its own making.

  8. MAXIMUM SENTENCE for this SADISTIC MONSTER!!~!~. So sorry for the sweet Racoon that passed, Rest in Peace sweet soul.

    • Actually, send his a$$ to jail for a decade because sending him back to where he came from doesn’t work when he comes from America.

  9. Despicable, evil scum!! I am extremely sad that the poor raccoon passed away and am very grateful to the caring people who tried to help her survive. A beautiful, innocent soul lost!! I hope that vile, insane criminal is given the MAXIMUM SENTENCE for his evil deed and that he is NEVER allowed around animals again, he is dangerous.

    • Exactly!! I feel so saddened that baby lost her life from an evil human. He should NEVER be allowed animals or children and needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law, and not just a slap on my hand. If the law would start marking examples of these evil humans and let them know WE will NOT tolerate such behavior, just maybe this will stop

  10. Despicable, evil scum!! I am extremely sad that the poor raccoon passed away and grateful to all the caring people who tried to help her survive. A beautiful, innocent soul lost!! I hope that vile, insane criminal is given the MAXIMUM SENTENCE for his evil deed and that he is NEVER allowed around animals again, he is dangerous.

    • agreed he’s very dangerous he should never be around another animal and if he ever goes near another animal that animal should run, because once a animal abuser always an animal abuser.

    • it’s so sad 😭 heartbreaking 😢😢 especially when they worked so hard to safe this beautiful 🦝 raccoons life 🧬. it’s just heartbreaking 😔💔 heartbroken just really heartbreaking 💔💔 . I feel for them, my heart breaks 💔💔 makes me want to cry 😢 especially when the poor baby was in pain, and they did everything they could do to safe her life 🧬 I praise them for that I hope and pray 🙏 that, the guy that hurt this baby innocent animal goes to prison for the rest of his life 🧬 that’s where he should be and where he belongs and that’s prison should not be allowed to have animals ever again for when he gets out hopefully that will not be for a while.

      • agreed we the heck does that to a poor innocent animal that was not doing anything wrong she fought until the end though she’s in heaven 😞 flying 🪽 with wings 🪽 she’s now an angel, I don’t like no one that harms, injures or kills an animal or animals abuses an animal I love 💞 animals ever since I was a little girl started to feed a horse 🐎 on my own at the age of 3 years old.


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