HomeDogsDoctor Who Beat His Dog With A Hammer Will Be Sentenced On...

Doctor Who Beat His Dog With A Hammer Will Be Sentenced On Felony Charges

A doctor, convicted of multiple counts of felony torture of an animal, will be sentenced next week in Dearborn County, Indiana. 58-year-old Joseph Stubbers III was convicted of the animal cruelty charges in July; the charges stem from a July 2019 incident when he attacked his own dog, Cooper, with a hammer.

Stubbers beat Cooper in the head with a hammer, and then shot the dog with a handgun, causing Cooper to lose an eye. Stubbers claimed that the five-year-old dog had attacked him, biting him on the arm, and that he used the hammer to stop the “attack.” But bite wounds were not observed on his arm by responding deputies.

As reported by Local 12 News, a neighbor who witnessed the incident said that,  “he saw Stubbers hitting Cooper the dog with a hammer so much it was causing the dog to actually vomit.”

Those who knew Cooper described him as a “gentle giant.” The injured dog was turned over to a local veterinarian, and animal welfare agencies for care.

Stubbers is the owner of Fairfield Primary Care; prosecutors have alerted the medical board about the charges that Stubbers has been convicted of.

Sentencing has been moved to September 14 in Dearborn Superior Court II.

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  1. Remember that face people! If he ever comes to your business refuse him service! He should be stuck off and not allowed to practice medicine, he’s clearly mentally unstable and banned from owning animals for life…the same as anyone who abandons animals without a valid reason or harms them.

  2. This vile mentally deranged scumbag must have the death penalty implemented. I am ready, willing and able to help perform this procedure! A slow and agonising death for this evil cretin is essential!!

  3. This piece of s**t deserves the electric chair or worse. Punishments NEED to be harsher or this will NEVER STOP!! I pray Cooper is recovering well and gets a loving furever home that he deserves.

  4. Yes! I think he SHOUD be, but he won’t be!

    he’s clearly a very sick sociopath who will do something else awful some day . The Justice system doesn’t care about animals the way we do! But at least there’s a felony conviction! It’s a small step in the right direction

  5. He will never ever practice medicine again, he will never touch or go near another animal again, he will be confined to a prison for many years because people like him are never rehabilitated, he will receive true justice for his crimes…wait…what planet am I on? Wishful thinking.

  6. God bless the person who spoke up!!!!
    What a hero!!!!
    The pos monster, a vet?????
    Take away every certification, and license, permit he’s aquired.
    Put him in a 8 x 8 box with a bunch of animal lovers and I volunteer…

  7. Joseph Stubbers III should spend the rest of his life in prison. He should lose his medical license and his name should be listed on an international registry of animal abusers. He is evil and hopefully there is a special place in hell for people like him.

    • This registry need to be updated to say they can’t own or go near other animals ever. And that he can be arrested if he enters a pet shop or even looks at animals. He needs a floating sign above his head, that goes everywhere with him saying this man is an animal abuser.

  8. Euthanise the bastard. He’s not safe to be walking the streets. He doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as his innocent, defenceless dog

  9. I have one thing to say if we were to do to these monsters that they do to our animals and children we would see a much more peaceful world they need to be put to death they are pure evil sick and twisted

  10. I want the death penalty for this sadistic abuser and nothing short of it. I do not want my tax dollars to pay for jail time. We don’t need a useless piece of shit on our earth!

  11. This man cannot be trusted with animals OR caring for people! He should be convicted of attempted murder! He should lose his medical license, never be allowed to own animals snd have a large fine and jail time! He is dangerous!


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