HomeAnimal CrueltyDog Daycare Employee Charged After Video Reveals Abuse, Including Swinging Dogs Above...

Dog Daycare Employee Charged After Video Reveals Abuse, Including Swinging Dogs Above His Head

Massapequa, NY – A Long Island dog daycare employee has been arrested and charged with animal cruelty for abusing dogs at the Pawllywood Dog Day Care and Boarding Center where he works as a groomer. According to sources, 21-year-old Andrew Laurendi was arrested on Sunday after police viewed video footage showing him abusing dogs at the daycare facility.

The authorities have stated that Laurendi smashed a dog’s face into fencing, and swung multiple dogs by a leash above his head, allowing them to crash into the floor. One of the abused dogs suffered a serious injury.

Nassau SPAC investigator Gary Rogers said:

“It’s concerning, he is just 21 years old. You don’t just pick up a dog and throw it over your head and let if fall to the ground and injure itself.”

As reported by CBS News, Laurendi was fired from the facility after the damning video footage was revealed to the business. The accused man is due in court on Dec. 21.

Continue readingWoman Saves Dog Abandoned With Note ‘Free Dog, Free Kennel’

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  1. Put this disgusting man away where he belongs. He cannot be turned back into public only to inflict more cruelty and viciousness.

  2. I really feel they should have arrested him with no bond set. Who’s to say he’ll show up in court and not run? He should be locked up from the beginning inflicting cruelty on these poor, defenseless furbabies.

  3. Making him pay a fine will not stop him from doing it again either in his own residence or somewhere no one will see him.. it is evil and should be looked at as it is what he enjoyed doing.. how many did he abuse and got away with.. our world has become so evil and so many are becoming subhumans with no conscious no heart why is this happening! No compassion makes us not being human.. did the drugs the parents took make those babies they have have a brain deformanity because there are so many out there not just a few but thousands abusing animals …humanoids who have no regards for life of any species they are deformed mentally. How do you even begin to prosecute those who are mentally insane and start with animal and work up to other humans! Our courts dont handle it they just let them go with warning which do no good when applied to the insane!

    • You are so right. This is so wrong so many levels that it must be done something to it. Laws must change about animal cruelty to be part of dangerous behaviour towards humans so it should be taken seriously!

  4. I think the doggy daycare should be investigated also. No way that some of the employees did not know about the animal abuse going on by this POS. I hope he goes to jail and gets body slammed against the floor over and over again until his last breath.

  5. Kill that evil ugly psychopath before he can hurt more innocent animals! Give me one minute with that monster and he will regret that he was born!!!

  6. Deeply disturbing. Authorities MUST acknowledge the barbarity of animal abuse and punish accordingly. And by punish I mean mandatory incarceration. This piece of white trash needs to learn his lesson big time in prison. Fellow inmates will ensure justice. En eye for an eye I say.

  7. Worthless puke. He looks like a young David Berkowitz, aka Son of Sam. He needs to do hard time and never be allowed around animals again. What a coward! He won’t be a big shot once he’s behind bars and is the victim, not the perpetrator.

  8. This is a serial killer in the early stages.You let him roam free, next it will be someone’s child and the blood will be on your hands for not doing something before escalates. Just put this piece of human trash down. Save your friends, family and community. These monsters never benefit from any kind of therapy.

  9. These places dont care about your pet or who they hire to do the job as long as the money keeps rolling in. When will these poor animals live matter enough for just to be served on their behalf.

  10. I hope this Demon is in jail 😈 He is a danger to society and should not be near God’s creatures ever again and who know who’s next! We need tuffer laws cause the Justice Department has failed this Country !!!

  11. Subhuman piece of garbage I hope he rots in hell. In the meantime, he needs to be in jail. He needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. He should also pay restitution so he really feels it! He is a vile creature!

  12. There are so many sick, evil people on this earth! Animal abuse is the lowest of levels in abuse cases. This pos needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. I say give him jail and a huge fine!

  13. Not a dog person at all, but violence toward anyone, much less innocent animals people bring to these places trusting they will be well cared for, deserves equal action to the perpetrators. Wilfully harming any innocent living being is the most heinous of all crimes and we need to stop slapping the perpetrators on the wrist and make the punishment fit the crime in every case, for every count.

  14. I guarantee he will not be given any jail time. Our laws must be changed so the punishment fits the crime. Animal abuse is ABUSE and must be punished with jail time.

    • You are SO RIGHT! Change will never happen if laws never recognize the FACT that our pets are SOULS just like us but their little vessels just make them vulnerable to us so we have exploited and victimized them for it since the start of creation. All levels of law enforcement must stop protecting people who cause any intentional harm to animals be it violence, neglect or psychological harm and start holding those people accountable for once. But, if these powers that be are so determined to protect the freedoms of these absolutely dangerous individuals, who probably can’t be rehabilitated anyway, then they themselves should take that punishment and serve that time. How are they not breaking the law by not enforcing it..which is the job they are paid, by us mind you, to do. At least these sick merciless demons will be punished one day..accordingly and endlessly. Happy day!

  15. I would love to put a leash on this POS and repeatedly slam it (no human pronouns for this inhumane scum) into a fence. At age 21 it is showing a disturbing penchant for violence against animals and more than likely would torture a human if given the opportunity. Lock it up and beat its face against the cell bars. I would watch a video recording of that repeatedly!

    • Love your comment the most. It needs to be referred to as “IT”, and needs to be dealt with before going on to kill others. Waste of oxygen!

  16. Why wasn’t he as an employee being monitored if he was a groomer or had pets in his care?! Something is seriously wrong with that individual! He needs to never own or have contact with an animal ever again. And please get justice for what he did to these pets. Maybe he’ll learn but I doubt it.

    • I agree Susan. The Day Care Company should have screened him thoroughly. References from past employers, friends & associates. Someone out there knew this guy was a complete ego manic jerk. He needs to be jailed! Made to pay a large fine, NEVER to work with, own or be around animals. The proof is in the pudding this guy is a sadistic jerk. People like him make me sick!

      • Animal care givers are some of the lowest paying jobs in the nation. Most kennels do not screen employees, unfortunately, but in this case would anything have shown up? Does he have a past history towards animal abuse? Most (good) people work in this field bc we have a genuine love of all animals. Sadly this jerk did not

  17. That stupid, disgusting freak needs his face smashed in and then slammed to the ground! Filthy pos. He should never be allowed to go near an animal again.

    • Smash his face into the ground until his skull is mush!!! Someone please kill this human rectum and save all penal and legal costs!!! You pathetic people that push jail aren’t very realistic!! This TURD needs to DIE ASAP!!! Only then can it be GUARANTEED no further atrocities be committed!!!

      • I so agree. with you! Am so tired of my taxes paying for upkeep for pond scum like this one-IF they even get jail time. Just deplete him of the oxygen he has no right to anyway (in the not horrible, painful way possible) and save us all the misery of his existence!


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