HomeDogsDog Left In Hot Car Parked At Disney World While Owner Visited...

Dog Left In Hot Car Parked At Disney World While Owner Visited Theme Park

A small dog in Florida was saved from a miserable death from heat stroke thanks to an alert passerby, and the police. The dog, a Maltese, was left inside of a locked vehicle in a parking lot at Disney World. ABC Journalist Parker Branton Tweeted about the rescue effort on August 10:

“A Hollywood Studios park guest says she heard a bark coming from a car just before 5 Monday afternoon. ‘She looked right up into my eyes and said help.’ Looking around I saw an empty bowl and a parking receipt for 11:48 am!”

The good Samaritan, Jerry Dana French, was able to get the police to the vehicle, and the officer who removed the dog estimated that it had an hour or less to live.

The owner was eventually located inside of the theme park – as reported by People, police returned the dog to the owner, whose name was not released. Surprisingly, the person who left the dog inside of the vehicle did not get charged.

(Screenshot of dog via Twitter)

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  1. Do a petition, the cops know this person’s name, we want this person charged with a crime and the dog taken from him/her

  2. Why the hell was the dog given back to the owner??!!!!!! Where are the laws for the animals?!!! Was this not cruelty?!!!! How can anyone do this and feel its ok….Everyday you see where animals are left to die or abused and law enforcement are trying to find the people who did these unthinkable acts and here you have the “MONSTER” in plain site and they give back the dog to them. What the heck….do you think they are just going to leave there take the little thing home and love it and take care of it???!!!!!

  3. No Way should this person get his or her dog back! WHY? so next time they can kill the poor baby…This is blantant animal abuse and should not have given the dog back to owner and further, cite the owner for Animal Abuse! PERIOD!!

  4. Yes, they should have definitely been charged, how will these idiots ever learn!! Leaving a dog for so long, disgusting and horrible.

  5. I would not have return the dog to it’s owner but I would have put the owner in the car and let him feel the heat. This person should not be able to own a dog again !! The officer should be fired.

  6. These worthless cops didn’t charge this pos what a shocker, the fact they’d have paperwork outweighed doing their jobs. Without punishments this kind of abuse and neglect will continue. The cops in this case are as despicable as the monster who did this to this precious pup.

  7. This is why Its so important to have a worldwide animal rights and protection law. As long as there is no animal rights and protecting law worldwide humans should be deeply ashamed of themselfs for not helping the animals. Humans who treat animals like garbage and treat them like crap don”t deserve the light of day themselfs even don”t deserve to be called human. Humanity starts with caring for ,saving and protecting the most innocent creatures on the planet.

  8. Unbelievable that this innocent Maltese pup was returned to its owner who wasn’t charged for negligence, cruelty or abuse! “Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character; and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.” -Schopenhauer

    • This is totally unbelievable!!This poor baby deserves better.The owner has no right to have this precious baby back.The only reason he didn’t die was because of the person who contacted the police.

  9. How could they not charge the owner of this dog with a crime. They are just going to to do again. That poor dog was suffering and would have died. How disgusting of the police.

  10. ummm r u serious? please someone tell me theres a petition to remove this dog from this dumb cunt & have charges filed against her. This story is not acceptable.

  11. There are no appropriate consequences, and often no punishment whatsoever, for animal abuse and death. As long as the perpetrators receive nothing more than a tiny slap on the wrist for these crimes, abuse will continue indefinitely. Let us all take the time to write and demand our legislators to wake up an evolve. That little dog, having been locked in the car for over five hours, should have righteously been confiscated and the horrid people should have been prohibited from ever having another animal. Case closed!


  13. Call and email your state and federal representatives and demand meaningful and enforceable animal cruelty laws!

  14. This is exactly why animal cruelty is rampant in Florida. Authorities do not take it seriously. It’s time for law enforcement, judges, DAs and prosecutors to DO THEIR JOBS–arrest, charge, maximum jail time and fines, and no plea bargains.
    This woman should have been charged with animal cruelty and the taken away from her. The police failed this dog and basically said it’s OK to practically kill an animal.

  15. Why in the world did these horrible owners get their dog back? What’s wrong with our country that so many people think it’s ok to abuse, neglect, animals!

  16. I have personally filed complaints on the sheriff’s website, and another review site. How, in God’s name, could they have possibly returned this poor baby to the POS owner and not filed charges??? It completely astounds me!!!

    • What website is it you used? I would like to file a complaint as well. This is beyond reckless to give back that poor animal to such a gargantuan idiot! This will happen again because the owner is a gargantuan idiot!

    • I filed one as well. I am furious at the sheriffs over this…what, they didn’t want to be bothered with the paperwork?

  17. So wrong…it is like this irresponsible and STUPID owner had a death wish for this poor pup! Nobody can claim ignorance about this issue of leaving a dog in a hot care to bake, if they have any common sense @ all….plus there are so many PSAs and news coverage every year warning people of the consequences! I can not believe the dog was returned to the careless owner, and the owner not charged with animal cruelty and abuse, which should have been what happened. It is only because of a good Samaritan’s actions that this dog did not suffer a slow, painful death of being cooked alive!

  18. Why was the dog allowed to go with them they should have been charged if it was a human baby they would have been charged with neglect.


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