HomeDogsDog Left In Hot Car Parked At Disney World While Owner Visited...

Dog Left In Hot Car Parked At Disney World While Owner Visited Theme Park

A small dog in Florida was saved from a miserable death from heat stroke thanks to an alert passerby, and the police. The dog, a Maltese, was left inside of a locked vehicle in a parking lot at Disney World. ABC Journalist Parker Branton Tweeted about the rescue effort on August 10:

“A Hollywood Studios park guest says she heard a bark coming from a car just before 5 Monday afternoon. ‘She looked right up into my eyes and said help.’ Looking around I saw an empty bowl and a parking receipt for 11:48 am!”

The good Samaritan, Jerry Dana French, was able to get the police to the vehicle, and the officer who removed the dog estimated that it had an hour or less to live.

The owner was eventually located inside of the theme park – as reported by People, police returned the dog to the owner, whose name was not released. Surprisingly, the person who left the dog inside of the vehicle did not get charged.

(Screenshot of dog via Twitter)

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  1. I’m sorry I would of taken the dog away from the person who was stupid enough to leave the poor dog in the csr while he/she having fun the park. I’m glad the dog survived but I don’t understand why the person was charged with animal cruelty?

  2. Returned to the owner what is wrong with the authorities that returned that poor baby to these so called humans & no fine or punishment 😡😡😡😡

  3. why was he not charged he left a poor defenceless amaimal in a hot hot car put him in there ans see how well that he likes it cruel people

  4. No charges!? If it were a child would there be charges?! If the ‘owners’ are that stupid then they should be prohibited from owning a dog. Most likely brainless immigrants.

  5. Disney has a dog park! They should of been charged with animal neglect. Stupid ass cops. August 10th that car inside was well over 120 degrees!

  6. I’m surprised and disappointed Disney did nothing to this park guest. They should have been banned from all Disney parks for life, at a minimum.

  7. Why would they release that poor animal to its owner?! That’s absurd! The owner should have been charged and the animal brought it a rescue to be rehomed. Shame on the police!

  8. DID NOT GET CHARGED??!! Incredible! And wrong. People just don’t take this seriously and apparently neither did that officer. I pray that little dog will be ok with this family.

  9. Seriously why was the pup returned to the woman, this is only one reason why animal abuse continues! This was common sense people!

  10. Great rescue but horrible followup. The owner should NEVER have been allowed to leave with the dog, without at the very least being cited for animal cruelty. Now they’ll probably just do it again since they weren’t punished.

  11. WTF why didn’t they file criminal charges against this a-hole. Also they returned the pup back to the pos owner. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  12. why wasn’t he charged how in the hell they do there jibs down there that dog nearly died

    an they say its fine dont do that again bs bs he should be charged

  13. Law enforcement is just as responsible as the owner, if anything happens to the dog in the future,!!!!

  14. PLEASE post on Orange County Sheriff’s Social Media to express your dismay with this outcome. @OrangeCoSheriff They need to set an example, these people will inevitably do it again, to leave a dog almost dead, so they can go to an amusement park, unreal! THEY do not care about animals, not do they deserve to have them!

  15. Oh my heck, the owner should have went to jail for this! The person is obviously an animal abuser who doesn’t care about their pet.


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