HomeCatsFamily Desperate To Find Dog Who Disappeared While In Pet Sitter's Care

Family Desperate To Find Dog Who Disappeared While In Pet Sitter’s Care

Houston, TX – A Houston area family is desperate to find their dog, Tito, who disappeared while in the care of a pet-sitter. According to Mia Elledge, Tito disappeared on May 25, and has not been seen since.

Elledge tells Click 2 Houston News, “We went out of town for our anniversary and left Tito with a pet sitter we’ve used before. Everything seemed fine until we returned on the 25th and found Tito was missing. We didn’t receive any calls or notifications about his disappearance.”

The pet sitter claims that Tito vanished during the night through an open door to the backyard. The pet sitter claims Tito dug out under the fence, but that does not make sense to his owner who told the news agency, “Tito is an inside dog who goes outside only briefly and spends most of his time on the couch.”

Sadly, neighbors have told Tito’s family that this is not the first time that a pet have vanished while in the care of this particular pet sitter. Elledge just wants her dog home. Anyone with information should reach out to the family at the contact number/email listed in the missing pet flier above.

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    • lol but true, this is totally b.s. and I wouldn’t accept those words at all! You would think a pet sitter would crate a puppy, especially a puppy that’s not your own, with fear it would get into something , and yep all I know is we are having a sleep over and Sally and John were gone in the morning! I think I left the door open last night , maybe they just ran away!

  1. I believe pet sitter sold Tito. Police should investigate, get a search warrant to check pet sitter’s bank accts to see if she has deposited $. Get Tito back. Pet sitter to jail.

  2. That Dog was Probably Sold if it was intact. I would put out a $1000 Reward (with the Police) as Bait and see what transpires. I would also Have the Shit Kicked out of the Dog Sitter until they Talk. Make Sure You Find Out Where Your Dog Sitter Lives. I don’t Trust these Losers..

    • Yes and the pet sitter should be investigated. Things don’t add up. The dog was not the type to go far from the home apparently and if this has happened before with other pets under his/her watch, crime could be involved.


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