HomeDogsFamily Moved, Dumped Dog At Shelter With Request To Euthanize Him

Family Moved, Dumped Dog At Shelter With Request To Euthanize Him

Fort Worth, TX – A family’s pet was taken to a Fort Worth animal shelter with a request for him to be put down because they were moving and didn’t want him anymore.

Now the two-year-old dog is left to wonder where his family went, and why he no longer has a home. Fortunately, he was not euthanized as requested by his disloyal owners, but he is still in need of help.


The human race is horrible.. #SHELTER #texas #viral #fyp #viralvideo #fosteringsaveslives #dallas #fortworth #heartbreaking #euthlisted #animalcruelitystops #ownersurrender #fortworthtexas #ftworthtexas

♬ original sound – Foster. Adopt. Rescue.

You can help save this frightened, and bewildered, dog’s life by sharing his adoption profile. Find his adoption link here.

ID# 52756753
Located At: Chuck Silcox Animal Care & Adoption Center
Description: I am a male, white and brown American Staffordshire Terrier mix.
Age: The shelter staff think I am about 2 years and 6 months old.
More Info: I have been at the shelter since May 27, 2023.

Location: Chuck Silcox Animal Care & Adoption Center
Phone Number: (817) 392-1234
Address: 4900 Martin Street
Fort Worth, TX 76119

Note: All inquiries about this dog must be made directly to the animal shelter. Animal Victory is NOT the point of contact and has no affiliation with this dog, or this shelter. Thank you.

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  1. ALL DOG BREEDING OPERATIONS MUST BE SHUT DOWN NOW! This is madness, how as a civilised society does America allow this sort of influx of unwanted dogs, cats, and animals to continue! HOW! Shut down dog breeding, make is illegal! Period!

    And anyone whom turns in their dogs should be banned for life from ever having the opportunity to have another! These are precious sentient beings! Not possession to be discarded because one has been inconvenienced by life.

  2. What a nasty wicked bunch !! I hope he gets a forever home where he’s so loved and secure for the rest of his life 🙏🏼💚

  3. Oh my hod those people are Scum !!
    I pray 🙏🏼 he is adopted and hope they family that dumped him gets karma! Pets are Fkn Family my god ! He’s so scared and this is sickening!

  4. This happens all the time because Animal laws do not protect as they should and humans have no empathy for animals, in this case the Dog is better off away from these scum bags !!

  5. We can only hope these people NEVER make it to their destination; hope to hear on the news they all perished!!

  6. To Christine,These pos people are disgusting to do this, You may mean well but I think if you want to do all you are saying, people will just dump the poor animals wherever and they will starve or be killed by car or humans it is a better place for animals to go to animal shelters where they will be fed and have the chance to

  7. Unfortunately, too many people think EVERYTHING IS DISPOSABLE including lives of animals they promised to protect and care for until they die naturally. It is truly disheartening and extremely sad to see over and over those people give their word which obviously means NOTHING.

  8. Please save this baby’s life. Obviously it has never been loved at all, or else it would not be left behind. If there is nobody to take it, please arrange for a flight to Edmonton AB. I will take it and give it a home. I already have two dogs, and had not planned on additions. This baby does not deserve to die. Please keep me informed. Thank you very, very much!

    • Just Google the shelter name. Also, the phone number is there, but the identifying piece of information you’ll want most is the shelter’s ANIMAL ID# for this dog. You may have to scroll thru a few hundred dogs to find it. Once you have the ANIMAL I.D.#, you can easily share him, or follow his progress, on all social media platforms. Thanks for caring!!

  9. Some of those in the Human Race are truly horrible. What kind of POS people would dump a loving and innocent animal in the shelter and then request he be euthanized when he’s a perfectly healthy, young dog with his whole life ahead of him. These are evil, dark hearted people. Thank God the shelter did not go along with these horrible people and euthanize him. He still needs everyone’s support but now he has a chance to go to a safe and loving home, and live out his life with love and happiness. Sadly, something he has not experienced in his entire life. Prayers for this beautiful, sweet baby. <3

  10. Can this be anymore heartbreaking! What asshat humans this pup’s family turned out to be!!! Praying someone does the same to these sorry excuses for human beings!

    Pray this pup finds a new, loving home! This poor little one! So saddens me! Angers me more!

    Is pup available for adoption out-of-state? This just complicates things more I know. My heart hurts for this little guy/gal!!!

  11. You described them as a ‘family ‘. No they are not. Family sticks together and supports each other with love and care. These poor excuses for humans did not. It sounds like this animal rescue is the best thing that could happen to him. Find him a True Family.

  12. This family should NEVER be allowed to have a pet, or even a child, again. They can’t be trusted with protecting a living being. Infuriating. What a beautiful pup.

  13. Shelter should not take in a animal because someone is moving. The owners should have either taken the dog with them or at least found a new home for him. And the shelter should NEVER be obligated to put a animal to sleep simply because the owners requested it. Stating the dog should be killed only makes the shelter wonder if the dog is a biter or aggressive and if they shouldn’t adopt he or she out. My local shelter only takes in animals if they have room which puts some responsible on the owners if the shelter isn’t a option. And if someone brings in a animal to the shelter, the shelter should not only charge a surrender fee, but a daily fee for however long it takes the shelter to adopt the animal out. The owners put a credit card online for the shelter to charge. If owners had to pay potentially for weeks to months for the feeding and care of their animals until they got adopted, there would be a lot less animals surrendered. When you adopt a animal, it should be for life. Animals aren’t disposal things like a old sofa left by the side of the road. Hope the dog gets updated. The local news should run a story about the dog. Too many pit bulls are abandoned and there’s just not enough homes because people think they are dangerous which is not true.

    • you seem to have zero understanding of how this entire process works or doesn’t work and it’s the animal in the end that will suffer TREMENDOUSLY MORE AT YOUR SUGGESTIONS. GET A CLUE HUMAN ANIMALS ARE EVIL DESPERATE SELFISH HORRIBLE ANIMALS.

    • Unfortunately if the shelter refused to take the dog or charged a fee, the owners probably would have just abandoned him at the home or on the street. To find another home for him quick could have been a death sentence at with dog fighter.
      I absolutely am pissed the family turned in their pet but it is probably the best option. Besides, they didn’t love him anyway.

    • Christine, I gave you a thumbs down only because I agree with you about everything except I think the shelter should take the dog because otherwise, these POS people would have abondoned the dog on the streets only to fen for itself. The dog would then possibly suffer and starve to death or die from dehydration, get hit by a car or end up in the hands of some other evil person. I know there is a huge problem with shelters being over capacity and then many dogs end up being euthanized. There is no good solution when POS people give up on their pets and dump them in shelters like they were trash. These kind of people should never have a dog. They don’t feel like these dogs are family and are for life. They do not love their pet. They don’t deserve the love and loyalty of a dog. I can see you are an animal lover though and you just want what’s best for the dog and that the sitution is upsetting to you. I just don’t agree that the shelter shouldn’t take the dog. I think the situation would have been worse for the dog had he stayed with these aweful owners. It’s best that dog gets a far away as possible from these evil, dark hearted, evil people. Thanks Christine. <3

      • 💯💯‼️I agree with u on all the points u made … it’s facts although extremely sad u can’t deny the reality of the truth…

    • People who choose to take their so called “pet” to a shelter when moving just because they no longer want them puts no responsibility on them if shelter won’t take the dog. They will simply dump it somewhere or take to a different probably high kill shelter that will. Or even worst, put it on Craigs list for free for an abuser to take. It’s just unfortunate that shelter workers are deemed the “bad guy” when they are simply doing their jobs due to peoples complete lack of care or dedication to their pets. Rescues then pick up what the shelter can not deal with and unfortunately they are all overflowing too. FIX your pets. That would solve much of the problem! Can’t fix people who simply don’t care. Don’t know how they look at themselves in mirrors and it’s so sad they pass this mentality to their kids.

    • I think, though, that it was better for the dog to be surrendered to the shelter instead of being abandoned and become a stray and the shelters should not refuse any dog being surrendered to them for whatever reason. It is much safer for dogs or cats to be at the shelter than to be in the streets. I don’t think, though, that the shelter would put a dog down just because the owner wants them to.

    • Pay attention to what the world has become !
      The shelter absolutely should take him in. Leave it to a family like that and he’d probably have ended bait dog or be given to someone for Tic Toc torture videos.

    • I agree with a lot of what you said, but in these cases, if the shelter didn’t take this dog the owners probably would have tossed him out of the car on the way to where they were moving and just let it wander. That would have been a worse fate. I’m sure someone will adopt this beautiful boy.

    • I agree there needs to be rules and laws to deal with these sub human trash but having some laws that you are asking for would only lead to abuse and abandonment and once again the animal suffers. Something needs to change , dog and cat breeders need to be registered and puppy mills need to be shut down. Humans are the cause of unwanted animal suffering and it needs to stop now.

    • Christine, the problem I see with having people put a credit card on file is that the minute they walk out that door, they notify their credit card company the card has been stolen, so the account is closed & they’re issued a new c card with a different acct number, then they’re scott free❗️
      Nasty people are gona do anything AND whatever they have to to get out of doing the right things in life. They’re only thinking about themselves & screw the rest of the world❗️
      It’s all because we live in a selfish, self serving society where everything is “ALL ABOUT THEM”
      Makes me angry.😠🤬

  14. Dogs’ hearing and sense of smell etc. are so acute and hearing/smelling/sensing all of the incredibly sad turmoil going on with all of those poor suffering dogs in shelters (even the caring ones) has to be so terrifying for all of the dogs, especially the extra sensitive ones. The fact that so many shelters are always “necessary” and always full is a total failure of the “human” race. Dog breeders have got to be STOPPED, permanently, no more “creating” and selling sentient LIVES, period!

  15. Evil despicable swines. I despair asking for a healthy two year old dog put down ~ and all because they are moving!!! Pathetic excuse. I hope their kids do the exact same thing to them one day!!!! 😡😤😡😤😡😤😡😤

    • I agree, lowlife pos humans, I hope with all my heart that they themselves are dealt the same fate some day. What goes around comes around, and they were so undeserving of this dear sweet animal. They are scum.

      • Scum sums them up. I despair at the human race and am embarrassed to be of their ilk. Some wonderful people out there but these are beyond help

    • This is why there needs to be a law. If you abandon, surrender, abuse or kill an animal, you should be BANNED from every being able to own another. There should be a national registry your name goes on and all vetrinarians, dog pounds, breeders, police, apartments and realtors would have access to see if you can legally have the pet you have!!! These people dumped this baby so they could move and will probably get another!

      • I totally agree. I took in a stray cat I fed in my yard for a few months, and when he really got friendly with me I decided to see if he belonged to anybody. Couldn’t find anything so took him to the vet. He was microchipped. Vet called the owner and left a message gave them my phone number. After 5 days never heard anything. Called to rechip him and found out that owner called the chip company and said they just didn’t want him anymore. So they just set him free and let him wander around. I called the shelter where he was adopted and gave them the chip number and they put them on a list to not let them adopt any more animals. Unfortunately, that number is not sent anywhere nationally to other shelters. And it should be. When this happens the person’s name should be on a list to not be able to adopt ANYWHERE! Most Human beings are worthless and don’t deserve the air they breathe.

        • You’re right about information being shared with other shelters!
          Say I was the one that abandoned the cat you found. The cat came from ABC Shelter;and (only) they have my information. There’s no stopping me from going to XYZ Shelter/Rescue and getting another cat ‘cos they have No Idea who I am (and I’m sure not going to mention the cat you now have and/or ABC Shelter on my application!)

      • Totally agree. Once you abandon an animal, that’s it, no more, EVER!!! Like the idea of a registry to keep track of these scumbags.

    • This Beautiful Baby Deserves a Second Chance at a good life. I can’t stand people that does there pets that way. They are pure Assholes and they don’t deserve to have any pet in there care or own. Pieces of 💩 like that needs to be charged with abandonment cruelty and neglect. They need prison time for a good while. This beautiful furbaby has real feelings just like we do. And they sad they get anxiety and it’s very hard on these animals. Please find this beautiful baby a loving family and home. ASAP. So he will be truly loved and took care of. Please update on this baby. Prayers

    • Scumbags. They should never be allowed to have another dog. Animals are not disposable.If you are not going to keep one for a lifetime, Then don’t get one to begin with.Only death could separate me from my dogs.

    • 100% karma is a bitch, u too will get old, which this dog isn’t, but trust and believe e someone will do u wrong.

    • Absolutely! Not surprised in Texas especially, I just rescued a year old blue nose pittie from euthanasia from Houston brought her up to the NE shame on these people A pet has a long commitment don’t get one if you’re not ready to commit the time, the energy, the money and the love that it takes to be with them, to have them by your side, because they rely on YOU this poor dog doesn’t know why he was dumped there is wondering when they’re coming back and if they had euthanized him he’d be leaving in a plastic garbage bag how disgusting!! each and every day they’re putting down pregnant dogs dogs that just gave birth that are still nursing sometimes with their whole litter 😡something needs to change down there laws need to be enforced backyard breeding , people not spaying a neutering their animals especially is a problem throwing them out into the street leaving them tied up in front of the home after they move out come on really would you do that to your kids?


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