HomeNational Animal NewsFire Marshal Releases Cause Of Massive Explosion That Killed 18,000 Dairy Cows...

Fire Marshal Releases Cause Of Massive Explosion That Killed 18,000 Dairy Cows In Texas

Dimmitt, Texas – On April 10, a massive explosion rocked a dairy farm in Dimmitt, destroying a building where 18,000 cows were being held. Investigators have since determined that the explosion, which killed every cow inside the barn, was accidental.

As reported by Breaking911, the investigation revealed that an engine fire in a manure vacuum truck is behind the tragic incident. The truck’s driver reported seeing what he thought was steam coming from the truck’s engine – after realizing that it was actually smoke, he tried to get the vehicle out of the 2 million square foot building, but he was not successful.

Employees tried to put out the engine fire with extinguishers, but again, they were unsuccessful. One person was injured in the blast, and all of the cows in the building died.

Officials have closed the investigation.

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  1. If it had been 18,000 human lives (humans, being the most dangerous animal on the planet,) we would never hear the end of it. All because we believed the businessman who told us we needed to drink the milk of another species.

  2. This facility should be banned from ever doing this again, of course they got there big pay out and could not do this accident again WINK WINK, I hope they come back as the poor cows enclosed and being burned alive, just horrific

  3. This was done on purpose. They are destroying all food sources, so we can’t survive. We are in a spiritual war. The Bible talks about the Tares among the Wheat. True humans are the Wheat.


  5. Cows are supposed to live outdoors like god intended. Not
    Locked up in a building to produce milk for human consumption which is for their baby’s not humans. Stop farm factories let animals live the way they’re born to live. How would the owner like to living in a small area and have someone take their baby away as soon at it was born?!?!? It’s all about money and not humanity. Money money money. Maybe this was a sign to stop abusing animals.

  6. Re Mia’s comment , I cannot see the connection between what she calls fake global warming and climate change !
    This entire event is absolutely horrendous as was the conditions these poor animals were kept in . Factory farming is an abomination and should be outlawed .

  7. All one big cover up and the globalists are behind all these farms and animals dying for some fake global warming or climate agenda. Animals dont deserve this. They dont want humans to eat and they want us to pay high prices at the grocery store. None of these cattle should have perished. This is completely disgusting! And its not going to stop till things are how they want it.

  8. Well that does not tell the whole story does it? Sorry but a Truck’s gas tank exploding is not going to generate that level of explosions. SO what was in that bard that did? Can’t be the milk they stored, can’t bee the feed on hand. What they keeping in there that is that volatile?

  9. I investigate industrial accidents. I’d be interested in hearing more about how there weren’t any human fatalities, but the building was lost and all cattle perished. I’d also be interested in learning more about the owner’s finances and insurance policies.

  10. I agree with others…Why didn’t they try to release the cows and get them out of the building instead of pretending to get the truck out, that shouldn’t have been in the building to begin with…Thats an awful huge building to go up so fast and not be able to save any cows at all…doesnt sound right..Those poor cows..the fear and pain they must have gone thru with their heads locked into the stalls…

  11. With all the anti farming crap going on I wouldn’t believe this story one bit! Factory farms also should be shut down but the people running this country don’t care about people let alone animals!

  12. Can you even begin to imagine what it must be like for 18,000 cows to be living in ONE building? China is presently constructing multi-story building to house thousands of pigs! This is why it’s called “FACTORY” farming!!! No resemblance whatsoever to a farm, but rather commercial, industrial operations where living, breathing, feeling beings are treated like things – a TV set or stick of furniture. These poor creatures suffer throughout their short painful lives…de-horned, tails cut off, with no anesthesia! Artificially inseminated! Babies removed at birth so that the mother’s milk can be used for your milk/cheese/yogurt/ice cream! Hooked up permanently to torturous, mechanical milking machines..and never seeing the light of day until they are dragged away to be slaughtered at the ripe old age of 7 or 8.
    Long past time to bury this industry!!! There are literally dozens of wonderful plant-based alternative “dairy” products on the market! Stop the suffering by making a positive change in YOUR life and shunning products linked to heart disease, breast and prostate cancer, diabetes! GIVE IT UP!

  13. The farmers story isn’t adding up. I think he’s a liar. The animals were insured, so why would he want to save these beautiful souls?! Investigating and arrest needed. Animal abuse and insurance fraud. GO 🌱 VEGAN

  14. I agree why were the dairy cows in with the truck the owner should have opened the door to the barn and let the cows out and away from the smoke

  15. Those poor cows, what hell, pain and fear they must have felt in their last minutes. We need to ban factory farming. If this farm was a traditional farm of the past, the cows would have been outside roaming in a pasture, not trapped in a building. The farmer should be held responsible for their deaths, he or she should be charged with animal cruelty. The truck never should have been housed with living creatures. Why weren’t the cows freed from the barn? Housing hundreds of animals in a building with no access to the outside where they could have ran to and escaped the barn is criminal.


  17. I cannot believe they have nothing to stop this from happening. The unbelievable suffering and horror of it. Sickening. Why no fire barriers or sprinklers? Something like this should never happen. There was no escape? I do not get it.

  18. Yet one more reason to end factory farming. it is unnatural, invasive, and the suffering to cows and calves is unacceptable. Even seeing the very small dairy down the road from me is hard as I know they have had calves taken from them and after their fairly decent lives on this dairy-roaming in fields and no confinement, they will be sent back to be inseminated again, or killed at some point like disposable objects. I call “farm” like the one in the story, hoarding for profit. I have a hard time using the term ‘farm’ as there is nothing farm like about them; they are more like factories that produce and turn cows and calves into objects for their use. They may not know them on some level but in the end, the cows are merely the means to an end-money.

  19. I’m just sickened by the loss of these beautiful gentle animals and ALL for profit. Out of sight, out of mind, people don’t think of these animals in these factory farms. But….. I’ll be sharing this. There are some of us out here that won’t forget this horrible loss. It motivates us to keep exposing these monstrous places and get them SHUT DOWN!

  20. I wonder how “hard” the employees tried to pull the truck out of the barn??? Didn’t they have a way to tow the truck???

    • They could have used a tractor or maybe even a forklift or something to tow the truck out of an area WHERE THE TRUCK SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN IN THE FIRST PLACE. ACCIDENT MY ARSE! INSURANCE JOB I RECKON.

  21. I wonder how much the insurance company paid out. And what was a truck doing inside the barn area with all that methane? And what did they use to put the fire out, I doubt they even had one fire extinguisher. Sure sounds like a wink and a nod investigation. I am not satisfied!

  22. the images of the poor cows with their heads locked in the stations suffering being burned alive is heartbreaking. the “farmer” with just get 18,000 more to torture for you. be better-DITCH DAIRY COWS MILK IS FOR COWS YOU ARE WEANED AND DAIRY IS ABSOLUTELY NOT GOOD FOR YOU. DUH.

    • Not even counting the calves that are taken away from their mothers and kept as anemic as possible so the veal is kept tender. Dairy also has its casualties. It is a cruel business as is the slaughter of beef cattle. Go vegetarian. Meat and dairy are not good for you. Vegetarians live 10 years longer on the average. I don’t want to imagine the horrific deaths these 18,000 cows went thru.

  23. I can’t wrap my mind around EIGHTEEN THOUSAND INNOCENT LIVES being lost “by accident” or by any other means. Sharing this to socials. If not for ethical and compassionate reasons, perhaps it’s time to rethink factory farming for FINANCIAL reasons.


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