HomeAnimal RescueFirefighters Rescue Cat Dangling From Tree In National Park

Firefighters Rescue Cat Dangling From Tree In National Park

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona – A cat who found himself in a precarious position was rescued by firefighters on June 21. The X account for the Grand Canyon National Park Service shared images of the cat as he dangled from a tree in the park.

Tree-climbing for the purr-fect panorama!

🚒👨‍🚒 A huge shoutout to our firefighters and first responders who sprang into action today to rescue a furry adventurer from the heights of a tree at Grand Canyon.

The park service hoped to find the cat’s owner, but a short time later, they posted an update indicating that his owner had been located. According to the HuffPost, the cat’s name is Archie and he lives in a residential area of the park.

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  1. great job saving him guys! i confess i did chuckle at this picture: i have an identical looking cat called Stanley who is also a big old clumsy klutz! must be that pattern i guess!


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