HomeAnimal RescueFriday Looms - Handsome Shepherd Pup To Be Euthanized For Space

Friday Looms – Handsome Shepherd Pup To Be Euthanized For Space

Update 1/25/2024: Tagged for rescue by Big Dog Haven, Inc. Thanks to everyone who networked on this dog’s behalf!

Dallas, TX – A handsome young shepherd, still a pup at just a year of age, is facing an unfair, unjust death at the end of the week. The dog, dubbed Marc Edwards, is at Dallas Animal Services and he has been put on the list of dogs to be put down for “space.”

Someone who recently met this dog noted that he was “sweet” but scared. Undoubtedly this intelligent, intuitive German shepherd knows that he is somewhere he should not be and he realizes that he is in danger.

This is a gorgeous dog who is in the prime of his life. He deserves to be with an owner who appreciates his faithful personality, intelligence, and beauty. Please give this dog a chance to enjoy the live he deserves by sharing his adoption information.

Adoption profile here.

Pet ID: A1201054

Shelter email: dasadopt@dallascityhall.com
Phone number: 214-670-6800
Wed: 01:00PM – 07:00PM
Address: 1818, North Westmoreland Road Dallas, Texas, 75212

Note: Please direct all inquiries about this dog to the shelter facility. Animal Victory is not the point of contact and has no affiliation with this dog, or this shelter. Thank you!

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  1. Another case of save the puppy to kill the puppy. How do people who do this go home to their families and even their own pets and live with themselves. Anyone who can make a career killing animals all day every day has to have a sadistic streak. There is no amount of money anyone could pay me to do this disgusting job.


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