HomeCatsHomeless After Being Abandoned By Those He Trusted - Senior Cat Needs...

Homeless After Being Abandoned By Those He Trusted – Senior Cat Needs A Home

Philadelphia, PA – At the ripe old age of 15-plus years, a cat named Jeremiah finds himself at a shelter, hoping to be chosen by someone looking for a feline companion. According to the Pennsylvania SPCA, Jeremiah was abandoned by those he was supposed to trust.

Most potential adopters are not seeking pets in the twilight of their lives. But cats like Jeremiah deserve to be loved and to live out the remainder of their days in the comfort of a home.

You can help Jeremiah find a home of his own by sharing his adoption information.

Adoptable cats at the shelter here.

Adopters with inquiries about specific animals should email adoptions@pspca.org

Please direct all inquiries about this cat to the shelter. Animal Victory is not the point of contact and has no affiliation with the shelter, or this cat. Thank you.

Continue reading: Cats Cradle, A Florida Sanctuary For Senior, Unadoptable Cats


Help Put Animal Abusers Away! Sign A Petition To Fight For Animal Justice.

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  1. I just went to the Pennsylvania SPCA on Facebook and I found his post. It appears he has a forever home! Praise the goddess! His picture is there with his new mom! This makes me very happy to hear and see! Just thought I would let everybody here know.

  2. Please let us know if this sweet love is adopted. This is so damn heartbreaking…..fur kids are for life!! In sickness and in health.

  3. The shelter system should ban anybody from adopting if they have ever surrendered one of their pets before. And the shelters need to start charging a lot more money upon intake since some animals like seniors will be at the shelter much longer looking for a home. Heartless owner. Probably got a new kitten and dumped the older cat. Also, you never hear about parents leaving and abandoning their older kids at a homeless shelter, but plenty of people find it acceptable to dump their pets without guilt or looking back. There’s something wrong with our society.

  4. I would take Jeremiah in to my heart and home in an instant to join my furfamily of 5 cats and dog. (Four from one litter). I live in Central Ontario, and have no passport either? I don’t think that distance travel would be good for him, but if I could get Jeremiah to me…I’d spoil him with lots of love!! 🥰

  5. I agree with the comments here, I don’t know how people could be so cruel to their pets. To just throw them away like they don’t matter. It’s sickening.

  6. Sharing with links, love and *Prayers.* My beloved feline FAMILY member is 16, purring on my lap and absolutely loved. My family always adopts for life and our cats are FAMILY, never “pets.”

  7. Some people should never have pets- if you can just abandon an animal like this you obviously did not have a bonded connection with it and that is why you get a pet to begin with. I would love to take people like this to the most remote part of Northern Ontario (Canadian here) and abandon them with no food water clothes cell phone and see how they would like to be treated like trash. There is no reason to abandon an animal like this even for economic reasons- there are numerous rescues shelters etc that can help.

  8. I am absolutely horrified that this senior cat was abandoned at 15 after loving these people his entire like. WTF is wrong with these people? How can someone break an animal’s heart like that. It also breaks my heart because I used to do cat rescue and have a lot of cats. Recently 5 of my senior cats passed away over 6 weeks from illness. I’m grieving them right now and would give anything to have them all back. The oldest that passed away was 18 and I miss him sooooo much. How could those people do that?

  9. Please give this baby a home…..seniors are the best kids ever!!! How can someone dump their kids at any time!!! I hope whoever dumped this sweet love dies a most horrific death possible!! Fucking assholes!!

    • Mary, We all feel your pain and frustration. These assholes are world wide. Here in ontario canada we struggle on pensions to feed stray cats dumped out here and stray cats in the city at a dealership. Scooping them up and locking them in cages isn’t the answer. We build wooden houses, use plastic containers with bedding like bubble wrap as
      houses . We may not be able to take them all in but we can help them. The finances are the issue doing this but if only we could all do a little, that little does so much for them in the cold now.

      • I’m ever so grateful to those like you. I myself live in Ontario, Canada. Myself and my back neighbour take care of a feral. He provides the shelter and I provide the food. Seniors are close to my heart. I myself have one at home that is adopted and we consider her our daughter. Thank you for all you do!! I really hope this love is adopted…..how betrayed he must feel and scared……


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