HomeNational Animal NewsHorribly Injured Puppy Was Euthanized After Being Abandoned In A Bag

Horribly Injured Puppy Was Euthanized After Being Abandoned In A Bag

Olean, NY – A puppy, discovered abandoned in a bag in Limestone, New York, on August 21 was so badly injured that he had to be humanely euthanized. According to the SPCA in Cattaraugus County, the injured puppy was found at 2165 US Rt 219 in Limestone, and troopers were notified because he was in such poor condition.

The animal welfare agency said that an exam revealed extensive injuries, including severe burns and infection across much of his body. He had a broken femur from being shot multiple times and was in kidney failure due to malnutrition. Humane euthanasia was recommended by the veterinarian due to the extensive injuries and immense pain that the puppy was in.

The agency is hoping that a member of the public will come forward with information about this puppy, and the cruelty case. The shelter writes:

If anyone has information regarding this puppy (male, approximately 3 months old) or may recognize him please contact the SPCA at 716-372-8492. 


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  1. i also contacted the shelter that had this dog. i don’t live that far from them and questioned them about his care. needless to say i never received any response so that pretty much verifies my thoughts on this. what a shame.

  2. looking at this pup i would say he was absolutely able to be saved. he is up and alert. it looks like he was scratching his face in the photo.they would have lost nothing by trying. it would have probably required expensive intervention but how can you look in those eyes and take the life from them. i wish i had the ability to do what a good vet can do. i would gladly donate a great deal of my time helping shelters and people who can’t afford to help an animal they love. yes it is a business but you can still make money and be compassionate too!

  3. What the hell has become of a supposed civilized society?? Satan has taken over and he has many cohorts as evidenced by this crime. Time that justice starts being served for these heinous crimes that is happening all too often. Time for serious jail time or this will only continue.

  4. Disgusting horrible non-human psychopath , who feels NOTHING when harming or killing another living soul!!! Find him & sentence him to the max penalty, then place him/her in the “system” with animal lovers! POS!!!!!! Same should happen to YOU!

  5. Surely this is a serial killer or a wanna be. He must be found & hung from the highest tree before this next victim is human, if not already.

  6. This poor innocent puppy suffered immensely at the hands of a sick, barbaric deranged scumbag who needs to be dragged behind a truck through rocks for hours!! My hope is someone will recognize this pup and report the POS so he can get tortured til death!!!!

  7. Did they find any cameras or videos? Should have done a DNA on the bag and maybe the dog? Humans are screwing up animals lives. If you can’t treat them right, then leave them alone. Felony charges are good for these animal abusers, give them every inch of the law, they deserve to pay their debts.

  8. People that live in the surrounding areas please circulate this post Hopefully someone will identify the responsible scum & come forward-esp if there is a reward involved Makes me sick when I think of the pain this innocent sweet baby endured He never had a chance to live his precious life RIP Little one & Run free

  9. What is wrong with people? To do such harm to an innocent baby animal is appalling and heinous! There is a soulless devil walking around out there somewhere, and I hope this person gets what’s coming to him, and hopefully it will be painful!!

  10. Why? The puppy’s vet bills could have been paid cod by raising funds. I’ve seen far worse situations on cuddly. It’s a shame they just gave up. I would have contributed to care.

    • I’ve seen terrible cases too but this poor puppy was in kidney failure and there isn’t much that an be done for that. This case is so disturbing it’s hard to think about it. I pray that the criminal coward is found and receives the harshest sentence possible. What this pathetic innocent endured is unimaginable. I take comfort in knowing he is in /God’s hands now; never to be hurt again!


  12. I pray who did this will be found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and then this case used to increase the sentence for such crimes in the future. I know a reward will do wonders in getting tips…

  13. That puppy in the photo had life and should’ve gotten a chance to live. I believe it deserved a chance instead of being euthanized. It is sitting up and looking into the camera and I can’t be convinced you people could not have given treatment before you just decided to euthanize it.

  14. Another pitbull type pup being abused by a lice infested evil puppy torturing, scumbag, subhuman, puppy killer.
    Yes, somebody knows who this thing is. Start a reward fund to who will bring him to justice, dead or alive.
    I will gladly donate.

  15. I would gladly serve justice here and it would not be pretty. I have to agree that this piece of dreck should suffer immeasurably. Pure sadism. Sometimes I just can not find the right words or it would just take too long to say what I think. Once upon a time I thought I could never hurt another person but years ago when I started doing animal rights in various ways I realized that was no longer totally true.

  16. I pray someone comes forward and does the right thing. That poor baby had three months of hell. I do not know if people don’t have a soul, or what they could possibly be thinking. If they can do this to an innocent baby person, a human is next. This is heartbreaking and disgusting. We are supposed to help things that can’t help themselves, not hurt them. Someone knows who did this.

    • i agree. you have to ask though was everything done to save this pup. while i am sure he was in pain and had obvious injuries he looks healthy. you can’t tell by a photo but i would bet that when the cost of saving him was factored in they chose to kill him instead. we are seeing more of this in both animal and human care. many of these doctors and nurses have seem to lost their empathy and compassion and replaced it with opinion, politics and greed. forgetting their oath to save every life to the best of their ability. it is a shame what humanity has become all across the board.

    • I’ll do it for you then me I would love to find the jackass that did this to a baby puppy and tie him up to a tree and front of the world and get me a blow touch and start from his damn head and burn a circle all away round his body and then get me a club and start hitting him so damn hard that he has to bow over from being burned and hit from head to his knees and then break every bone in his damn body till they have to put him to sleep just as they did that poor baby puppy 🐶 💔

  17. there isn’t enough pain for the scumbag that did this to suffer. i hope his demise is slow and painful just like that of this innocent pup.


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