HomeAnimal CrueltyHumane Task Force Rescues Dozens Of Neglected, Starving Dogs

Humane Task Force Rescues Dozens Of Neglected, Starving Dogs

Stone County, Missouri – Dozens of starving dogs have been rescued in Stone County, Missouri. According to the Humane Society of Missouri, their Animal Cruelty Task Force went to the property this week and found malnourished dogs who were living among the remains of “numerous” deceased animals – the surviving dogs had no food, water or shelter.

Concerned residents had reached out to the shelter because the unsheltered dogs were suffering in the bitter cold.

The animal welfare agency stated that a total of 55 dogs were removed from the dismal situation, and 15 deceased dogs were discovered.

The surviving dogs welcomed the food, water, and warmth they were offered after being saved. The shelter said:

As they were unloaded each dog rushed to their food and water bowls and then immediately curled up to sleep. They knew they were warm and safe.
There were so many grateful faces. Each pup leaned into us and seemed to say “Thank You.”

These dogs are likely experiencing security and comfort for the first time in their life.

The shelter is hopeful that the community will step up to adopt the rescued dogs.

People who are not in the position to adopt are encouraged to donate or volunteer. Learn more about volunteering at this link: hsmo.org/volunteer

If you want to support these pups you can learn more at hsmo.org/rescue

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  1. THANK YOU to wonderful alert Neighbors & Rescuers — heartbreaking for those Dogs who suffered & died — keep up your great work AND continue to keep a LOOK-OUT for Animals who are in trouble —

  2. I’m so glad these dogs were rescued and are safe. It’s so sickening to hear things like this. There are such evil people in the world who care nothing about the welfare of innocent animals. It’s all a greed thing.

  3. I am so so so glad these dogs were saved and that the people that reported them are feeling a pang of easiness!! THEY did the right thing!! Starving dogs are a pang with me, always will be, and I can’t stand to see a dog hungry!! SO if you can’t afford a pet, DON’T GET ONE!! If you love them, volunteer at the shelters, they all can use your help!! SO many things goes into raising dogs and taking care of them, and this IDIOT or IDIOTS were not thinking of that, they simply didn’t care!! So before I see this happen to too many more, I will say this again, MAKE it a law in every state that neutering and spaying is free of charge!! Put a microchip and register these dogs/pups, ALL of them!! It takes a minute to place the microchip in and to register them, it costs nothing!! THIS is my emails to the House and to the Senate!! Put something in dogs to get what you want out!! They say there are millions of cats and dogs killed every year at the pounds, lets stop the pounds from making that mistake of taking SOULS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I hope people who have or are going to throw their dog or cat away sees this and realize what happens when they throw their dog or cat away to places like this!?!? IT’S NOT SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS AND HAPPY TIMES FOR PETS THAT ARE THROWN AWAY!! A LOT OF THEM MAKE AN EARLY TRIP ACROSS THE RAINBOW BRIDGE!!! THEY ALL DESERVE BETTER!!! HAVE A HEART!!! DON’T DO TO YOUR PET WHAT YOU WOULDN’T WANT DONE TO YOU!?!?!

  5. Like I always say, dogs are WAY too good for “humans.” These tragic situations should NEVER exist. They do though, because of the “pet” industry and constant “surplus” of dogs…brought to us all by BREEDERS of all stripes. May each of those surviving precious dogs have wonderful, secure lives from here on out.

  6. Some people are worthless pieces of garbage. How can any one with a conscience do this? hopefully they are no safe and will not go from one death sentence to another when the shelter starts killing them for space. The whole process makes no sense. Why rescue them to just kill them anyway?

    • Don’t blame the shelters when they have no more room left! What do you expect them to do? Blame the aholes that dump and or abuse their animals!!!

      • We get as many People involved as possible to SAVE Dogs — We have Fosters, Volunteers and then Adopters — the more on board, the better for the Animals — we MUST NEVER KILL healthy and treatable Animals — We HOLD onto them — visit: — https://www.nokilladvocacycenter.org/ — headed by Nathan Winograd


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