HomeCatsInjured, Starving Dog Found Huddled On Porch On Christmas Eve

Injured, Starving Dog Found Huddled On Porch On Christmas Eve

Tacoma, WA – On Christmas Eve, while most families were enjoying festivities with loved ones, an emaciated dog huddled on a porch, trying to stay warm. A concerned resident spotted the ailing dog and she could see that he was desperately in need of help.

According to the Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County, the dog was brought to their facility for life-saving care. The animal welfare agency recounted the sad scenario, writing:

The poor dog was hypothermic, emaciated, and suffering from painful, infected wounds.
“I was trying to say hi to him and he didn’t even react,” the community member said. “I knew I needed to get him care before he froze to death.”

At the facility, the veterinary team wrapped the dog in heated blankets, provided fluids, and treated painful pressure wounds and injuries on his hips and paws. According to the shelter, the dog, dubbed Thomas, was so weak that he could not stand on his own.

Thomas is in good hands, but his fate is uncertain. The shelter explains:

Our veterinary team is doing everything in their power to save Thomas’ life, but his prognosis is uncertain. He’ll need frequent bandage changes, continued medication, and further diagnostic testing to ensure he remains stable. This care is expensive, and we can’t do it alone.

Donations for Thomas’ ongoing care can be made at this link to the shelter’s fundraiser.

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  1. I read this
    The dog went into the care of a foster family, and as of Thursday has been “steadily recovering.” He is on a specialized feeding plan and working to increase his body weight by 30%.
    Under the care of the foster family, Thomas is gaining an appetite, can stand on his own for short periods and is making short trips to the yard for potty breaks. It will take weeks for his wounds to heal, the humane society said.
    “I am super invested in what happens to him, we kinda bonded in the half a day we were hanging out,” said Clirehugh. “He’s my buddy.”
    The humane society said it is expecting more cases like Thomas’ this winter where animals have hypothermia or are starving.

  2. I looked for a update on Thomas but couldn’t find one, anyone know? Has he recovered? Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County shelter has 64 dogs but Thomas is not listed. 🙁 It’s been 17 days so maybe he’s in foster care. They have several pairs and many older dogs too.

  3. The person (?) if we can call this thing by that name, needs to be prosecuted and serve real jail time. Hopefully, this precious dog will survive and be adopted into a loving home to live out his life in peace and with love.

  4. Thank you and god bless your efforts for saving this beautiful boy. I pray for a speedy recovery and a loving home where he will live a loving and peaceful life.

  5. Prayers for poor sweet Thomas. Many thanks and love to the one who found him and took him to get the help he needed, and many thanks and love to those that are giving him the care and love he so rightfully deserves! May God deal justly with the one(s) who caused his pain and condition. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord; I will repay.

  6. Stop with your senseless pathetic comments! I’m totally sick of these barbaric deranged psychopaths hurting abusing torturing and killing innocent animals!!!! They all need to die! We need the death penalty! We need a judicial system that will
    animate and destroy these killers because after they do this to the innocent little souls- they’ll come out for people!!!!! Get on the hall judicial system and kill these criminals

    • So agree with you Linda. These depraved aberrants need to be culled. There has been no justice for animals for centuries. Blacks seem to be the worst, although there is much white trash that is subhuman as well. They will not be missed!! If no death penalty applied, at least incarcerate them and sterilise at the same time.

  7. Poor sweet dog. I’m so glad he is receiving the treatment and care he needs. I hope he recovers and goes to a good loving home. Whoever did this is a soulless devil!!

  8. Poor sweet dog; if only they could talk to us and tell us their stories. Seems like he was kept in a cage and not fed, then kicked out to die on his own. I pray that he recovers and has a beautiful life from there on out, and that whoever is responsible for his suffering feels the crushing weight of guilt and changes for the far better.

  9. What is wrong with this species of ours? I do not think nonhuman beings are perfect but people are supposed to know better. I hope Thomas will make it through his ordeal and if not, I am grateful he will not die alone but feeling loved.


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