HomeCatsInvestigation Launched After More Than 500 Dead Horses Found In Creek Bed

Investigation Launched After More Than 500 Dead Horses Found In Creek Bed

New South Wales, Australia – Officials in New South Wales have launched an investigation following the grim discovery of more than 500 dead horses in a dry creek bed near Wagga Wagga.

According to sources, the horses were in various states of decomposition and appeared to be victims of slaughter. The authorities and city officials said in a joint statement, “Once the inspection of the property commenced, it became clear that the slaughtering of horses had been occurring for a long period of time. Numerous separate dumps of carcasses were discovered at locations throughout the property.”

Shortly before the slaughter site was discovered, someone had attempted to cover the carcasses, reports ABC.AU News.

The investigation is ongoing.

(Stock image of horses via Pixabay Free Images)

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  1. To those of you in Australia, I think you have the same problem that the U.S. does, not only stupid people, but very evil people in charge!!! Hopefully we are trying to get rid of ours, hopefully you are too, but it can’t be done until you ELECT people that can stop it!! Horses, dogs, cats etc., are NOT savage nor are they up for killing either!! Whoever is doing this, look at the government!!

  2. Australia hates animals & has decimated entire species, but blames everything or everyone else… due to the greed of developing land. I belonged to a group trying to stop them from killing cats that THEY imported into AU to wipe out rats. They promote cat killing due to the bird species the government killed off & get local yeehaws to do the cat killing for them! Win-win! They also kill other “pest” species such as rabbits, deer, possums, dogs, kangaroo, dingos etc. They make poison sausage from 1080 & kangaroo meat to wipe out animals that are “in the way”. I’m not surprised over the horses.

  3. Australia is just another shit hole across a wide ocean. No different than the United States conducting round ups of beautiful horses & Burros and shipping them to slaughter houses in Mexico because they are competing for available food sources needed by wealthy ranchers who are big money donors/crooks in our House of Representatives & U.S. Senate.

  4. There are some evil people out there who need to be taken out of society and never be allowed to see the outside world again.

  5. Australia is not know to be a horse friendly country. The government would like to see them all gone. The Koscuiszko National Park is currently closed for the next 6 months so they can do aerial shooting of brumbies (horses.) Hundreds of horses will be killed and just left to lay and rot. Pregnant mares are not spared. Tiny foals have been seen trying to nurse on their dead mothers. A post on Facebook today indicated that these 500 dead horses were used in an illegal scheme and were slaughtered for dog food. Let’s see how the Australian government deals with this atrocity.

  6. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE??? What evil demon would do this to such magnificent creatures?? I pray that the evil bastards are found and are dealt with in a way that gives justice to ALL those innocent beings. This earth is filled with evil bastards and this proves it!! I hope they burn in hell!!! They deserve NOTHING less!!!

  7. More “human” wickedness, I pray for the end of all this insanity every day. Poor horses, surely they’re resting in Heaven now, if there’s any justice out there.


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