HomeAnimal RescueLoyal Dog Found Alive Next To Body Of Owner Who Had Been...

Loyal Dog Found Alive Next To Body Of Owner Who Had Been Missing Since August

Blackhead Peak, Colorado – On October 30, a hunter made a chilling discovery in the Lower Blanco drainage basin near Blackhead Peak’s summit. According to Taos Search and Rescue, 71-year-old Rich Moore, who had been missing since August 19, was discovered and his dog Finney, was by his side.

On November 7, the search and rescue group made a public Facebook post about the discovery:

On October 30th, the body of missing hiker 71-year-old Rich Moore of Pagosa Springs has been found, along with his dog, who was found alive and with his body. Moore and his dog had been missing since August 19, disappearing after leaving with a plan to summit Blackhead Peak, which is located just east of Pagosa Springs.

The search and rescue team was flown into the area to retrieve Moore’s body. TSAR member Delinda Vanne-Brightyn along with her certified K9 AkioYodasan responded to the initial search. Delinda writes:

“We searched from just under the peak-top and directly West, searching down the mountain toward where his car was located. Winds were directly from the West/Soutwest. It was so steep, we were inserted in by a helicopter. He was found 2.5 miles East of the mountain-top beneath where we were inserted.”

Finney was taken to a veterinarian for an exam and care and then reunited with family.

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  1. I pray someone took that precious baby into their homes…preferably a loved one!! God bless this one who had to be so scared and sad.

  2. Imagine how scared and lonely that little dog was for over a month, wow, what a survivor. Poor man; he must have been so worried about what would become of his dog when he was dying out there. Thank goodness he was found and his loved companion is now with his family.

  3. I love all animals with all my heart but sometimes do gooders do more harm than good. No kill shelters are not a good thing. There are animals that will never make a good pet, are too feral, other issues, there are areas where people are stupid and uncaring so don’t fix their animals, thereby creating more and more unwanted animals. No kill shelters are over-filled with animals waiting forever for a home. How is this being kind? Some shelters become nightmares for them. People criticize PETA for euthanizing animals… you can’t save them all, people. Those who pick up feral cats and get them fixed, then put them back out, think they are doing a good thing. Those cats have a hard life and eventually are killed, eaten, get a disease, suffer from the elements or hunger, die a slow death or are picked up and tortured and killed by sadists, I could go on. Until human beings become more kind and less about themselves, which is never going to happen, our poor animals will pay the price. It gives me nightmares. Sometimes the kindest thing you can do for them is to euthanize them.

    • No kill shelters can be a great thing given proper management. The need for mass murder would be far less if animal welfare laws were adequate and enforced with breeders no longer allowed to peddle flesh for profit being the singular most significant reason there is an overpopulation problem.

    • It’s dog breeders who are constantly making this horrible problem worse. No-kill shelters could work if not for the constant oversupply of “product” put out by horribly thoughtless and greedy breeders and puppy mills. Imagine being a breeder dog in a filthy cage in a nightmarish, hellish puppy factory. That alone should have had that industry shut down for good LONG ago. But they’re still here and thriving.

  4. I agree Zelda.

    This good boy or girl, protected his friend even in death.
    The love dogs have for us is immeasurable.

    We should protect them – end kill shelters + prosecute animal abusers more harshly.

  5. What a loyal and loving companion to stay right by his master eventhough he was deceased. Poor doggie. I’m glad he is with family now and may his master RIP.

  6. How did this poor pup survive all these months???? Food? Water? Incredible loyalty and devotion!!!! And to think that animal “shelters” kill these amazing animals, simply for want of a home! If you want to make a meaningful change, we must end that outdated, immoral kill paradigm!

    • i agree 1000 % on the killing for space should be stopped.. but where would all the animals be housed then?? not enough people offering up their homes to the so many needed….where i live , in the small shelter that is sooooo over crowded, and they keep bringing in dogs every day… where are they suppose to put them…. its HUMANS fault that this is the way it is…. people dont fix their dogs or cats…. hell they barely feed them.. just in the square mile of me, there’s at least 4 momma dogs running…and then the pups will be running… its just a cycle of puppies and more dogs that dont have a place to go… i could go one forever about this but thats not the point of this thread….

      • I agree, BUT, in our area when I was calling all the vets to see how much to fix kittens, I got 500.00-600.00!!!! The lowest was over 350.00, that is spay/neuter only, no jabs or tests. Why are the vets charging so much? I use to be in rescue and it was 50.00 male or female. And the shelters around me, no help. Other shelters out of my area about 100.00 but there is a limit per day, so people start lining up at 3:00am and hope to get in.

      • It is never too late for our taxes to fund “spay and neuter” for all breeds of animals. Cats, dogs, etc.
        There would not be a population explosion if animals owned by all of us were given the ‘free’ option to spay and neuter. We are taxed to take care of the criminals of the world. Why not our pets?
        I worked at a landfill for 20 years and the pets that were most often thrown away or abandoned were pure breed dogs and cats.
        In the county I live in they ‘kill’ them all.
        The culprits who abandoned these animals most often were military people relocating and leaving their pets behind.
        Shame on them!
        I know of this because I witnessed it.
        I adopted and tried to help all the animals that I could.
        Siamese cats for example. I have three that were rescued. Dogs did not fare as well. Starved or shot or eaten by coyotes where I worked and observed from time to time.
        It is a wonder I am not crazy myself from the experience.
        GOD ALONE BROUGHT ME THROUGH IT . I still mourn for the animals. I prayed to the Lord to help them since I am now retired. Our County Manager ignored my email to her to help the animals.
        Godless people in government.

    • I hate the idea of kill shelters and dog pounds, but there are not enough homes to go around for all of the rescues, shelter and dumped animals. We MUST make it mandatory to spay and neuter EVERY pet .

      • The dog breeders all need to be STOPPED permanently before any meaningful change will happen. There are millions of homeless dogs and puppies every day around the world. Those are who people need to be adopting.

    • That’s what I was wondering. How did the dog survive all this time without food and the freezing cold at night or during storms. He must have been able to get to water. It’s unbelievable he survived all that time alone and wasn’t picked off by a coyote or mountain lion.


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