HomecrimeMan Rescues Kitten Tossed From Moving Car

Man Rescues Kitten Tossed From Moving Car

Gwinnett County, GA – A man in Gwinnett County rescued a tiny, gray kitten who was tossed from a moving vehicle last week. As reported by WSBTV News, Ron Taylor was doing landscaping work in Peachtree Corners, on Spalding Drive, last Tuesday when he saw the kitten in a plastic bag, narrowly escaping death as cars drove by.

The good Samaritan tells WSBTV, “Somebody drove by and opened the window and dropped her out of a gray plastic bag. I just saw the window come down and go back up. I never saw a face.”

The kitten, dubbed Gracie 8, sustained minor injuries and is now living with a friend of her rescuer. There was no report made to animal control…tragically, animals being abandoned on roadways is not considered to be uncommon.

Watch the WSBTV video report here. 

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  1. Karma is coming for the POS that did this…. enjoy your new life away from the subhuman slime that almost killed you sweet furbaby….

  2. I hope karma will bite whoever did this to the poor kitten. I hope he’ll never recover. What a horrible creep. I’m glad the baby was saved.

  3. Thank God for this a Good Samaritan who saved this little kitten. What the fuck is wrong with people that they can do this without a pang of conscience. This story had a happy ending but how many stories don’t because there is no Good Samaritan to intervene and that is really sad for those animals that suffer at the hands of these assholes. I wish more significance and punishment was given for animal cruelty because as it stands in most jurisdictions it is woefully inadequate.


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