HomeDogsMan Who Shot And Killed Sheriff's K9 Sentenced To Life In Prison

Man Who Shot And Killed Sheriff’s K9 Sentenced To Life In Prison

San Antonio, TX – The man who fired a shot that killed Bexar County Sheriff’s Office K9, Chucky, was sentenced to life in prison last week. In 2019, Matthew Mireles shot the Belgian malinois from behind, killing the dog with a single shot while he was pursuing Mireles.

In December, Mireles was found guilty on all counts, including aggravated assault of a police officer, evading arrest, and being a felon possessing a firearm.

As reported by WLTX News, Mireles was a “seasoned Mexican gang member” who had been previously convicted for nine felonies. In a release, DA Joe Gonzales said:

“Justice does not tolerate those who endanger others, show no respect for the lives of our citizens and habitually commit crime after crime.”


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  1. RIP poor Chucky.🙏🏽🙏🏽💕😭💔🌈I’m glad Justice is being served for him. All animal abusers should receive life sentences, bc they never do it just once, & most escalate to humans.

  2. Those despicable lowlife k9 trainers who abuse and torture these poor dogs should all die as well as their superiors who know what their staff is doing to these helpless animals!! Shoot all those pathetic bastards and they loose privilege of having k9s forever!!!!!!!! Enough is enough of this sick shit.

  3. I think this is a fantastic out come. With that being said why can’t ALL animals get this kind of justice? All animals deserve to be treated with love and respect no matter what. All abusers deserve to be treated as the scum they are and pay swiftly for their crimes.

  4. 9 felonies and he is just now getting a life sentence? our justice system sucks.. there is no justice for the victims of these career criminals… RIP sweet furbaby… I’m sorry the system failed you…

  5. Dogs should not be forced to participate in foot pursuit without kevlar. We need to make sure our local K9 units have them or fundraise to get them. Bravo to the outcome for the perpetrator. We need more justice like this for all the animals who lose their lives at the hands of humans.

  6. I think it’s beyond cruel to use dogs in pursuit of criminals. Dogs trust humans and look to them for love and care, yet these people put those trusting animals in harm’s way without the critter understanding the terrible danger. The cops killed the innocent animal using it to run down a very dangerous man. Let the poor dog do the work! They are expendable! Very nasty way to treat a loyal animal.

  7. He killed a Police Officer! Doesn’t matter that the officer had 4 legs. The guy should do every day of his sentence in prison.

  8. I advocate for capital punishment for anyone wilfully harming ANY cat, as was law in ancient Egypt, a far more highly evolved society than any currently on earth.
    Life in a box is an acceptable sentence in this society, for anyone wilfully harming any innocent living being. NO parole. NO “good behavior” discount.

  9. I feel sorry for this and other K9s. His handlers felt it was too dangerous for them to pursue? but okay to send an unprotected fellow officer in?

  10. And why was Chucky sent in without a protective vest? Maybe he would be alive (or maybe not) if he had been given one. I wish the killing of all dogs were treated with such respect if not the grand ceremony as Chucky clearly died protecting his person/handler. I am glad his killer will be in prison forever even if he is a waste of space.I have no tolerance for those who abuse or kill animals.

    • The “protective” vest is more likely to cause heat prostration. What the dogs need is protection from their own handlers, who are taught to hang, kick, punch, “helicopter” and slam to the ground, etc., and who keep the dogs in solitary confinement when not in use or being tortured in ongoing “training.”

      The odds of the dogs being killed by someone on the street, as opposed to dying of heat prostration or abuse/torture by their own handers, is low in comparison.

      People need to learn the truth. Look up Stop K9 Torture, and more information and videos can be shared with you by inquiring there.

  11. Why does the killing of a Police dog demand greater justice than the killing of God knows how many “ordinary” pets every year at the hands of cruel owners/ sociopaths etc. These assholes if convicted get what is essentially a slap on the wrist and the fuckers go out and do it again. Seems there is a preferential double standard here when it comes to Police dogs. Not right.

    • I worked in law enforcement, and there is a Code of Silence which prevents the public from learning that the worst abusers and killers of K9s are the handlers and “trainers.” They don’t want people to know about it, because the K9s are funded by public donations. Whenever there is a leak, they always call it “one bad apple,” but it is actually institutionalized cruelty across the board – taught and required, including slow hanging to unconsciousness, often over and over again.

      I don’t think the big corporations who donate care about it, but they could also face backlash if the general public knew about it. And if you knew about it, you’d want the K9 handlers and the departments that cover for them all buried under the jail.

      • I wish they faced justice too. Torture, pain and abuse is no way to train your dog. My dogs learnt through the knowledge that they did well and would be praised.

        • And I’ll let you in on another secret. Once the door to torture is opened, the sadists rush in. At my department, some handlers have been so thrilled to be able to abuse the dogs legally, that they do it in their off time. They laugh, joke, and brag about their cruelty, and the fact that they can get away with it.

          They even nicknamed our K9 unit “The Hang ‘Em High Club”

            • I’ve been calling them out for years, but unfortunately the mainstream media helps them with the coverups and has blocked my attempts many times. All I can do at this point is direct people to Stop K9 Torture, and more information may be obtained there by request. People need to know about this, but the system works against it.

      • This right here is a fact. Many police K9 handlers abuse their dogs horribly. I have even personally witness an officer strike a dog who didn’t stop pooping to go search a vehicle

        • Thanks for sharing that. I overheard one of the K9 handlers at my department brag about what he does to his dog, like this: “He stops and a dime and poops on command, or he gets hanged.”

      • We are ruled by sick people. Probably everywhere. In the UK, a recent govt report found that less than 0.5 percent of rape cases get a conviction. It said rape may as well be legal. We need people like you to come forward. There needs to be organisation worldwide to eliminate bad people. The Holy Bible says not to kill, but we can imprison them. We must pray for this, and for Jesus to come. He will solve everything!

      • I agree and dealing with rescues i have seen what these TRAINERS do to these poor dogs. it’s disgusting.. they should be punished even more severely since they are advocates for these beautiful dogs. the hypocrisy we see in todays society is numbing. you can’t trust anyone anymore. it seems to be more prevalent with the folks i was taught to seek help from as a kid. society is severely broken and i don’t see any cure for this disease. very sad!


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