HomeNational Animal NewsNotorious Trophy Hunter Found Fatally Shot Near His Vehicle

Notorious Trophy Hunter Found Fatally Shot Near His Vehicle

A 55-year-old man known for boasting about big game kills was recently found dead near his vehicle in Limpopo, South Africa. According to World Animal News, Riaan Naude was hunting when his vehicle overheated and he pulled to the side of the road. Someone in a truck allegedly pulled up to Naude’s vehicle and fatally shot him in the head before stealing one of his guns and driving away, reports the non-profit crime-fighting organization the Heritage Protection Group (HPG).

On June 27, Environmentalist Julio Cesar Martinez Tweeted:

Last minute: The hunter, who killed dozens of wild animals, Riaan Naude, was killed in his car when he was hunting. He was found shot in the head in Limpopo, South Africa.

Though the motive for Naude’s murder is unknown, there is speculation that locals resented his high-profile killings of animals in the area.

Naude ran Pro Hunt Africa; the business organizes hunts for paying customers.

Comments on the company’s Facebook page show many people expressing satisfaction that the notorious hunter was dead.

The authorities are investigating the murder.

(Images via screenshot)

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  1. i wonder how he feels being minding his own business and suddenly being shot – oh, wait – he’s dead and can’t feel anything any more – just like the animlals he killed.
    no sympathy from me.

  2. Well deserved sweet justice! All trophy hunters deserve the same end.. good riddance of a human garbage…hope it was a painful death!

  3. Awesome 👏🏻 news! I hope he suffered immensely before he died and is burning in the pits of Hell. The world is a better place today. I’d love to shake the hand(s) of those responsible for eradicating this vermin.

  4. Cannot agree more-Karma is a bitch. Too bad it did not happen years before this and wish more of these assholes could end up like this. Cannot understand why anyone gets pleasure out of killing an innocent animal but glad that someone over there decided that enough was enough and took this guy out before he could continue his rampage. Hope they just go through the pretence of looking for who did it.Guy deserves a medal.

  5. Justice. A miserable monster like this who had no respect for such amazing animals deserved to have an ending like this.

  6. Heard it was a $5000 hit with maple syrup put in the carburetor while he was at the diner.
    Then of course shot dead and left face up. Always good to leave them face up for symbolism.

  7. Ha ha Karma at its best!!! What great news for everyone but especially the animals!! Good riddens to an evil useless cunt!!!

  8. Woo Hoo! I just wish it was a slow and painful death and that some animal would have come by and chewed him up while he was still alive.

  9. Live by the sword and die by the sword. I am not happy to hear about this, but neither do I feel any sympathy for this miserable brute.

  10. Do not feel bad about this killer being shot. Should have happened years ago. Finally the locals are standing up for the animals. Hopefully they get them all. And lets not forget about Trumps sons, these misfits, deserve the same fate.

  11. Burn in hades, you piece of filth. I wish the same fate on whoever takes over, and whoever patronizes, his hunting business.


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