HomeNational Animal NewsNotorious Trophy Hunter Found Fatally Shot Near His Vehicle

Notorious Trophy Hunter Found Fatally Shot Near His Vehicle

A 55-year-old man known for boasting about big game kills was recently found dead near his vehicle in Limpopo, South Africa. According to World Animal News, Riaan Naude was hunting when his vehicle overheated and he pulled to the side of the road. Someone in a truck allegedly pulled up to Naude’s vehicle and fatally shot him in the head before stealing one of his guns and driving away, reports the non-profit crime-fighting organization the Heritage Protection Group (HPG).

On June 27, Environmentalist Julio Cesar Martinez Tweeted:

Last minute: The hunter, who killed dozens of wild animals, Riaan Naude, was killed in his car when he was hunting. He was found shot in the head in Limpopo, South Africa.

Though the motive for Naude’s murder is unknown, there is speculation that locals resented his high-profile killings of animals in the area.

Naude ran Pro Hunt Africa; the business organizes hunts for paying customers.

Comments on the company’s Facebook page show many people expressing satisfaction that the notorious hunter was dead.

The authorities are investigating the murder.

(Images via screenshot)

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  1. A toast for the shooter for doing the right thing. Come on all animal loving people down there. It’s time to unite and begin hunting down those son’s of bitches and send them all back to Hell where they came from. Save and protect the animals and exterminate those trophy-hunting fiends who takes great pleasures in killing those poor, innocent and defenseless animals by treachery. Let’s send them all back to Hell where they came from. Give those SOB’s a lethal-dose of their own medicines. Let the open hunting season commence now.

  2. I’m so glad one animal killer has been eliminated. It’s not my nature to wish this on anyone, but this is welcome news. Yes, Karma!!! I believe “What goes around, comes around.~

  3. GOOD!!! One less monster in this world. I’m not sorry at all. He deserved it and more. I hope it hurt.

  4. My first reaction was “What great news, some of these cowards with guns are getting a little of their own back” then felt guilty, but then I questioned myself and put aside the feelings of guilt, as these bastards feel no guilt about how many animals they kill just to make money or become in their minds “Famous” they are just weirdo’s with warped minds……

  5. A kill that was deserved! A man who gets pleasure from trophy hunting and/or supports, encourages or receives compensation for these heinous acts deserves this justice! One less POS breathing valuable oxygen!

  6. I always celebrate the deaths of oppressors.  I’m jubilant when they are killed by their victims or their own crooked minds, whether they are dictators,  matadors, circus animal trainers, slaughterhouse workers, livestock farmers, trophy hunters, or whoever exploits voiceless and powerless victims

    But, the core of the problem is not these psychotic scumbags but the culture (i.e. breeding ground).  Unless the breeding ground is eradicated, the germs keep coming out. Yes, this is definitely a cultural issue. In this case, the crooked mind of white people and the backwardness of South Africa are clearly exposed.

  7. Not going to lie that made my evening. I have zero sympathy for people like that. Karma can be good and it can be bad but I strongly believe in it and it came back around to him. ♥️

  8. I hope that they don’t investigate too hard! Good kill as they say in hunting circles! Lol I do think that it may have been a mistake to steal his gun. It could lead to them. Otherwise great job guys!


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