HomeNational Animal NewsNotorious Trophy Hunter Found Fatally Shot Near His Vehicle

Notorious Trophy Hunter Found Fatally Shot Near His Vehicle

A 55-year-old man known for boasting about big game kills was recently found dead near his vehicle in Limpopo, South Africa. According to World Animal News, Riaan Naude was hunting when his vehicle overheated and he pulled to the side of the road. Someone in a truck allegedly pulled up to Naude’s vehicle and fatally shot him in the head before stealing one of his guns and driving away, reports the non-profit crime-fighting organization the Heritage Protection Group (HPG).

On June 27, Environmentalist Julio Cesar Martinez Tweeted:

Last minute: The hunter, who killed dozens of wild animals, Riaan Naude, was killed in his car when he was hunting. He was found shot in the head in Limpopo, South Africa.

Though the motive for Naude’s murder is unknown, there is speculation that locals resented his high-profile killings of animals in the area.

Naude ran Pro Hunt Africa; the business organizes hunts for paying customers.

Comments on the company’s Facebook page show many people expressing satisfaction that the notorious hunter was dead.

The authorities are investigating the murder.

(Images via screenshot)

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  1. I’m sorry to say this but he deserved this for killing Gods beautiful animals for a trophy. He did not kill for food or put food on the table for his family, God is watching

  2. The film Predator has alot to recommend itself. This is probably the best news I have heard for a long long time. Here’s hoping that many more will follow in his footsteps.

  3. I am crying for all innocent animals, this degenerate, greedy subject murdered for fun. I have NO TEARS for this murderer. What goes around, comes around.

  4. I do not wish the grieve and heartache of losing a loved one on any one BUT if you live by the sword , you die by the sword! The meaning of his killing was for profit and lining his pockets! Sorry to say he got what he deserved!

  5. So sad Not . Best news ever .
    Think it must have been awful for the locals him running that business Pro hint Africa making money from having people kill contained beautiful animals.. There is so many reasons why people could live alongside beautiful animals and have it as a tourist attractions such as hotels so people can admire these animals from a safe distance.

  6. Sounds like the proper “sentence” for his sadistic life, many animals are safe this day with him removed from our planet.

  7. I am not a violent person however…..
    If the Laws of our Land aren’t going to protect the lives of animals then unfortunately people will have no choice but to resort to taking the Law into their own hands….I AM HAPPY he’s gone!!

  8. FANTASTIC NEWS. It’s made my week. Although one human death does not make up for hundreds of animal deaths, but at least his death has saved the lives of countless more beautiful animals who may have been murdered in the future. I hope his death is a deterrent to other poachers. Celebrations all around. I’ll have a glass of bubbly this weekend. 🥂

  9. Its wonderful to see fate take a hand in something as marvelous as this man being killed. Bravo, justice has been served.


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