HomeNational Animal NewsNotorious Trophy Hunter Found Fatally Shot Near His Vehicle

Notorious Trophy Hunter Found Fatally Shot Near His Vehicle

A 55-year-old man known for boasting about big game kills was recently found dead near his vehicle in Limpopo, South Africa. According to World Animal News, Riaan Naude was hunting when his vehicle overheated and he pulled to the side of the road. Someone in a truck allegedly pulled up to Naude’s vehicle and fatally shot him in the head before stealing one of his guns and driving away, reports the non-profit crime-fighting organization the Heritage Protection Group (HPG).

On June 27, Environmentalist Julio Cesar Martinez Tweeted:

Last minute: The hunter, who killed dozens of wild animals, Riaan Naude, was killed in his car when he was hunting. He was found shot in the head in Limpopo, South Africa.

Though the motive for Naude’s murder is unknown, there is speculation that locals resented his high-profile killings of animals in the area.

Naude ran Pro Hunt Africa; the business organizes hunts for paying customers.

Comments on the company’s Facebook page show many people expressing satisfaction that the notorious hunter was dead.

The authorities are investigating the murder.

(Images via screenshot)

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  1. If he wouldn’t have been out there killing helpless animals he would be alive now. My thought is he got what he dished out.

  2. Karma is a bitch. I would kill any human I see hurting or killing an animal. Always away to get rid of the evidence. I hate humans who do this.

  3. So glad to hear Riaan Naude got his just reward! POS! Hopefully more trophy hunters will be bitten by Karma! Stop the horror ! There is no need to kill these beautiful creatures. Respect Life!

  4. Someone was looking out for the animals. I hope they never find the person responsible for the killing.

  5. I gotta say… this made my day!!! Bring on more happy ending stories like this please. I am especially ashamed of the “guides” hired to allow the insane murdering of the animals they share their home with! Vile cretins!

  6. No love lost for this person! My favorite saying is what comes around goes around & very true in this case. To kill an animal for no other purpose than mounting it on your wall or “bragging” rights to others & who show no empathy or mercy for these animals lack a very basic human quality. You got what you deserved I must say.

  7. Hey all I can say is please keep up the good work of taking out these worthless piece of crap! About time someone starts hunting them back! Thank you!

  8. Awesome! Win for animals! I wish this happened to EVERY animal abuser and murderer. Karma, keep going. please.


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