HomeCatsOhio Woman Pleads Guilty To Animal Cruelty After Leaving Dog In Attic...

Ohio Woman Pleads Guilty To Animal Cruelty After Leaving Dog In Attic To Die While She Vacationed

Youngstown, OH – A 24-year-old Ohio woman entered a guilty plea last week for a felony animal cruelty charge stemming from her decision to leave her dog alone in an attic while she went on vacation. The dog, a German shepherd, was dead by the time a search warrant for a residence in the 200 block of E. Boston Avenue was obtained by officials on July 22.

Rayne Dunmire will be sentenced on January 4 for the fifth-degree felony charge of cruelty to companion animals. As reported by WKBN News, Dunmire claimed that she entrusted her pet’s care to a relative, but the relative disputes her claim.

The dog died after being left unattended for weeks while Dunmire was out of state. She could face up to a year in prison at sentencing.


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  1. The emotionally charged “clear the shelters” during the COVID debacle has created an
    entire new generation of adopters who mistreat, abandon or refuse to accept responsibility for their pet. EMOTIONAL adoptions to often do not last or fully acknowledge the long term commitment of a pet. Once life goes back to normal, people go back to work, etc. the inconvenience and expense of pet ownership becomes a problem. Just as it did for this young woman.

    • This was not “Covid related” nor was it because she went back to work. The article plainly says that she went on a vacation. She planned a vacation and then went on it, leaving her dog in the attic without food/water. This has nothing to do with normal irresponsibility. If a human doesn’t know that another living being requires water and food, then that human needs mental health treatment. She put that dog in the attic so that the feces and urine wouldn’t get all over her home. There was no one contacted to care for the dog, because NO ONE would put a dog in their attic if they knew someone was coming in twice a day to feed, water, walk it. She was sadistic and knew exactly what she was doing. It has nothing to do with Covid, lockdowns, etc. She has the heart of a murderer.

  2. One year? That’s it? She needs to be in jail much longer. She did this on purpose. 10 years of hard labor or more. She’s not even human.

  3. this is sick what the fart was she thinking how could she do this why do this i hope she gets more than a year a year what will she learn in one year she needs more time and made sure that everyone in her family can not get her an animal evil woman evil person shes going to kill a human or a human child please

  4. Only a year in jail… that dog is dead forever.. it suffered a horrible death because of her.. a year in jail will not be enough for what she did.. Locked in an attic is bad enough but no food or water she needs to suffer the same fate but then our system doesnt look at the death of an animal that horrible or the justice would fit the crime and it is a crime against an animal who are helpless to even search for food or water… lock her up for 10 years and hope she meets the same fate as that poor animal…

  5. A year is not long enough, that’s just a slap on the wrist punishment. She intentionally caused immense pain and suffering to an innocent animal. She will do the same again, to animals and people. She is a danger and should not be walking around in society. She needs to be punished properly, as do all animal abusers.

  6. i’m at a loss for words here. how can you leave your pet (member of family) without adequate care while you are away? wtf? hopefully she gets the full year and is never allowed to own another pet again..so sad

  7. This cruel, heartless, selfish (probably drug addicted) sub human POS needs jail time that is not a ‘walk in the park.’ She is a danger to society and especially to animals. The unconcerned, almost smirking, look on her face says it all…’I don’t care.’ It is now up to a judge to ‘make her care’ with a full year in jail. Then, let other inmates at her!

    • You said it, Selina — Idiot-Dunmire’s sentence is WAY TOO LENIENT — it seems the PSYCHO abandoned her Dog to suffer & die and then plead ignorance — I do NOT BUY it — she needs a PSCYHE evaluation & thrown into a Rubber Room — ensure the Sicko NEVER AGAIN adopts — she’s an Abuser and a KILLER

  8. I have had a couple of bad people caring for my animals (many years ago) which I did not know until the end and one had been referred to me from an animal rescuer who I guess did not know. The woman left her dog in the attic which right there is a red flag.I hope that guilt follows her when she finally feels it.

  9. If she had really entrusted the pet to a relative, she would have inquired about its well-being during the time she was away. Clearly, she is lying. Where is the petition?

  10. this stupid bitch found it easier to lock her dog in an attic with no food or water. instead of boarding the dog or find someone to watch it she chose this route. this scank should have the same done to her so she knows how that dog slowly suffered until death did it a favor. these people turn my stomach.

    • I couldn’t agree more! She is heartless with no common sense or compassion. A psychopath needs to be removed from society and I hope and pray she gets the extreme punishment of jail time without parole. That poor baby suffered a slow and agonizing death while his/her body was slowly depleted of life. Let not the death of this dog be in vain. Put her away!

      • People like this would do it to a child also. How come there are so many heartless people.This world is really going downhill. If the people who do this were really punished and I don’t me jail but to be given the worse sentence out there. They should be the worse community service possible outside in the heat with no water or food. Jail does not bother these low lives, they do their time, then out to do it again. People suck😢


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