HomeNational Animal NewsOutrage As Government Announces That Thousands Of Wild Horses Will Be Shot...

Outrage As Government Announces That Thousands Of Wild Horses Will Be Shot From Helicopters

Animal lovers are outraged after learning that the Australian government plans to shoot thousands of wild horses via aerial sharpshooters in helicopters. The horses, known as brumbies, reside in Kosciuszko National Park and officials want to reduce their numbers from 19,000 to approximately 3,000.

New South Wales Environment Minister Penny Sharpe said that while nobody “wants” to kill the horses, something drastic must be done.

“Threatened native species are in danger of extinction and the entire ecosystem is under threat. We must take action.”

Sharpshooters killed wild horses from helicopters back in 2000, but the cull stopped after several days when the public reacted negatively to the method officials were using.

Some people believe the horses are part of Australia’s national identity, but others, especially environmentalists, believe they are destroying native plants and causing soil erosion.

Animal lovers have pointed out that the horses shot from the air sometimes do not die immediately and they may suffer for days before succumbing to their injuries.

What do you think about the government’s directive? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

(Stock image of horses via Pixabay)

Continue readingTop Race Horse Drops Dead During Santa Anita Training Run, Another Suffers Career-Ending Injury Days Ago

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  1. Sickening!! The thought of this happening with how advanced we are in technology, i’m sure there’s a better way to handle this. This is a barbaric plan and should not even be considered as an option, and if followed through the people carrying out this plan ALL should be jailed and prosecuted!!

  2. I remember the horror of the last ‘aerial massacre’ they referred to as a cull Australia deemed necessary. The images still haunt me seeing suffering horses
    languishing after being shot by these so-called sharp shooters in helicopters. Running horses, unsteady helicopters = bad aim.
    Horses with broken legs from falling being chased & shot. Elders & foals collapsing from exhaustion. Foals trying to nurse on their dead mothers. Mares standing over their dead foals.

    A pregnant mare chased, shot, causing her to go into labor. Her foal was still half way inside her when she died. I still grieve ever time I think of this barbaric torture.

    For the good of the environment, what a farce! Get the horses off the public land, bring on the welfare ranchers, energy corporations, & big game hunters, they cause zero damage to the same land, right? Australia is no different than here in the US when it comes to protecting wildlife & public land…despicable to no end. Shame, shame, shame !!!!@

    • Totally agree: Australia, America, Assholes….the disgusting idiots that decide this abuse should have the same thing done to them!

  3. Here in America’s west, Fish, Game and Wildlife in complete cooperation with ranchers who use public lands to graze their cash cows — flush horses into pens with low flying helicopters. Animal dealers are waiting to load the terrified horses and burros into trucks heading to horse slaughterhouses in in Canada and Mexico! These are tax payer, public lands meant for wildlife — ranchers should not be allowed to graze their animals on lands belonging to the public — its our wildlife heritage, belonging to all Americans that they are killing off in horrible ways for their profit. Write to the Bureau of Land Management and protest! Also they kill all predators –wolves, cougars, bears so as not to disturb their grass eating cows!

  4. This has turned into an everyday solution; just kill animals to deal with their overpopulation. We are supposed to have some kind of intelligence; why not use it once in a while and come up with a better; and certainly more humane way; to deal with the problem. This is downright cruelty and laziness! Just take the easy way and kill them all. Stop for a second and think how you would feel if you were the ones down there running for your lives while some heartless and despicable people were trying to put an end to your life. Wake up people and see all the heartache and misery that you cause these poor animals along with those of us that are human enough to feel their pain as well.

  5. I understand the need to control numbers due to their being no way for any animals to migrate out of Australia, but this is a cruel and inhumane way to do it. Animals can be rounded up and spayed/neutered or given birth control. It’s horrible to chase an animal down with a helicopter and shot it from the air.

  6. My thoughts? Humans are given a conscience to be compassionate to the innocents. If humans go in the other direction, they are knowingly letting their evil come out towards an innocent. Therefore, my feelings are this- an eye for an eye.

  7. Small, minded people rarely have great ideas, just a series of excuses, complaints and always looking for what they think is the easy way out! They tried this method in 2000 and failed. So, for the past 23 years, the government has sit by and wasted precious time when other methods could have taken place! There is absolutely no excuse for violence in this matter! Horses can be relocated or gelded to easily control the population. We could debate this topic all day but where is the petition to end this nonsense before its too late?

  8. Horrible and indefensible! These precious ones have Long been a healthy and contributing factor in the ecosystem and environment. They are healthy. There is no reason to gather them, kill them, abuse and terrorize them!!! We need to do better. Please don’t go through with this cruel act of terror!

  9. Boy, this sounds like something that needs to be done with a bunch of politicians since they’ve been in politics way too long and they never listen to the general public. Since when do a civilized people condone out right murder/slaughter of defense animals.

  10. I belong to many horse advocate groups and I’ve seen pictures of what the government does to these horses. It’s beyond comprehension that a civilized country could allow and condone killing its beautiful brumbies. It’s beyond heartbreaking to see foals trying to nurse from their dead mother and it doesn’t take long before the foals are also dead and they lay and rot surrounded by other dead horses. There is just no place in a civilized world for this kind of blatant cruelty.

  11. Send in teams of vets and these sharpshooters to sedate stallions and older colts and geld them, this will drastically reduce numbers and us way more humane than killing them. This is a quick surgery with little to no stitches so can be done on ground.

  12. Shame on all involved. Let the animals take care of themselves. Humans don’t always make the best decisions on how to improve the planet…after all we’re the ones destroying it.

  13. How can the government be so cruel?! What a horrible way of dealing with a problem… there are other alternatives. It’s animal abuse!! I used to want to Visit Australia but hearing this and other horrible treatment of animals I no longer want to visit.

    • Man is destroying so much of wildlife. We can’t protect them enough from this evil. These wild horses are just living their lives. This is disgusting. These killers should be held accountable.

  14. This NEEDS to stop!! There are humane ways to deal with the problem. Put some sort of birth control in food and leave it for the horses to eat. I agree with all the other comments. If this were children would you do just kill them!? I don’t think so. Shooting them is completely wrong!! Maybe catch some, break them and put them up for adoption. There are other ways to deal this other than shooting them!! Come on Australia, do the humane thing!!!

  15. This is outrageous and must be stopped. Humans are the invasive species! All the damage caused by people is far and away more harmful to the entire planet than anything these innocent horses can do by grazing! There is fertility control available to manage populations. Killing is never the answer. Don’t let this horror happen.

  16. they should shoot the assholes who propose this garbage. all the climate assholes at work across the globe and at the end of the day all their bullshit will amount to doing nothing for the environment. in many cases it makes matters worse but that is how they operate. they listen to a bipolar babbling phony greta thornburgh who does everything she does for the camera. they work off a personal agenda not facts.

  17. I learned to Hate Australia during their Covid lockdown abuse of humans. I used to think highly of Australia.
    Bunch of Communist Marxist EVIL SINISTER Son of a Bitches.

    • Oh fuck off with the Covid abuse.. So much bullshit about losing your rights. You don’t know what that means…so you couldn’t go to a restaurant, big deal. First world fucking problems.

    • I agree. Entitled, destructive colonizers. How much destruction have those HUMANS done? To the Aborigines? To the native fauna and flora with their mines damaging koala habitat? the list goes on and on…

    • I thought the same thing-“herded” people up and into “camps” for the unvaccinated. Only a government would come up with this solution. There has to be a better way….

  18. This is horrible. Proof in the west that natural animal like horses do not destroy vegetation. Humans need to learn to respect and appreciate the animals. Other means can cut the numbers.

  19. This needs to be stopped! This is despicable, that beautiful wild horses would be subjected to this cruel and inhumane way of ending their lives.
    What can a normal citizen do to put an end to this? So much sorry and cruelty in this world with the government perpetuating a lot of it!

  20. You know there is this thing called birth control – whether it is through purposeful oral products, just like with some other species, or spay/neuter surgeries. Heaven forbid Australia actually do wildlife “MANAGEMENT” and stop a portion from reproducing so that numbers aren’t overwhelming. Good God, what is wrong with the government to not realize that there are non-lethal options, ALWAYS!!!!


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