HomeAnimal CrueltyPuppy Abandoned In Drawstring Bag Left At Park

Puppy Abandoned In Drawstring Bag Left At Park

Hamilton, OH – Last week, an abandoned puppy was found inside a closed drawstring bag that was left at Hamilton Park. Deputy Dog Warden Burkett took the puppy to American Friends Animal Society which has dubbed the puppy Ryder.

When Ryder first arrived, he was lethargic and weak. Though shelter staff knew he had gone through trauma, they wanted to rule out health problems. Testing revealed that he did not have the deadly parvo virus.

Two days after his arrival, the animal welfare agency shared a positive update with Facebook followers, writing:

The sweet guy has been through it and is improving everyday. Today he is up moving around his cage, wiggling his little butt, and crying for attention.
We have received A LOT of interest in lil Ryder. While we know he is adorable, he is still a part of a ongoing cruelty investigation.

The sheriff’s office has opened an animal cruelty investigation after receiving several tips from the public. The shelter is unsure when Ryder will be available for adoption because of the investigation.

Anyone interested in donating towards his care can do so at this link to the shelter.

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  1. Whoever did this is a soulless devil who needs to be taken out of society!! I’m glad the baby was saved.

  2. Something’s seriously wrong with the human race that we allow such people to exist among us. If they were dealt with as they deserve, they’d be a tiny fraction of what they are now, if any; the evil would have been weeded out of humanity long ago. But people are afraid to deal with them as they deserve because…
    Meat, Milk, Eggs, fake toxic “Cures” (vivisection), Pet Industry, etc., all legal but all deserving of felony charges and life sentences in reality.

    • Now is the time to join myself in writing to the House and Senate Reps. to get the laws passed that if a dog is abandoned, they must pass two laws!! 1- Have the puppies to be spayed/neutered by 4 months of age!! 2- Owner must have a microchip and register the dog at least 4 weeks after birth!! And, if any existing dogs do not have a microchip and registration, then they must have them microchipped and registered at least 3 months after the law passes!! 3- No tying a dog more than 2 hrs. a day anywhere!!
      This would end a lot of throwing out the dog because they can find the owners!! AND it would stop a lot of people just putting their beloved dog on a chain in the yard day in and day out!!


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