HomeNational Animal NewsPuppy Thrown From Window Of Moving Jeep Has Been Found

Puppy Thrown From Window Of Moving Jeep Has Been Found

A puppy who was thrown from the window of a moving Jeep has been found.

Bryson City, NC – A puppy thrown from the window of a moving Jeep on Sept. 8 has been found. The pup, dubbed Little Apollo by PAWS Bryson City staff, survived the throw and he was found four days later.

On Wednesday, the animal welfare agency addressed the people who have been worried about his fate, and provided an update on his condition:

He knows everyone has been worried sick over him after seeing the video of him being thrown violently from a vehicle.

He’s malnourished, loaded down with fleas and parasites. Has some small abrasions and two small fractures but considering what he’s been through he’s doing awesome!!

Puppy thrown from Jeep has been found/PAWS Bryson City
Puppy thrown from Jeep has been found/PAWS Bryson City

As reported by ABC 13 News, an off-duty Swain County Sheriff’s deputy found the puppy not far from the shelter facility.

A suspect, who is local to the area, has been identified and is expected to face charges for Abandonment of an animal and cruelty to animals.

Little Apollo will be adopted out to a loving home after he has fully recovered.

Find the rescue group on Facebook at this link.

Continue reading: Hunter Mauled By Grizzly While Tracking A Deer

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  1. THIS ASSHOLE NEEDS THE MAX PUNISHMENT POSSIBLE. People who mistreat animals definitely deserves the same punishment that they inflicted on the animals. THEY NEED TO BE PUT AWAY FOR GOOD LET THE INMATES TAKE CARE OF THEM! This is so not and then some you know the saying karma is a MF !

  2. Yes the Hammurabi code “eye fpr eye and tooth for tooth” should really exist as a punishment for those that destroy, injure or any other act that would disable an animal. In many years past it existed for “human” punishment. This man deserves punishment under the same rule!

  3. Such anger! And rightly so. The man is a piece of dreck. My thought was throw him off a cliff but as long as he suffers that will be enough. Sadly, he will never get what he deserves because he is a person who hurt a dog, not a human. Still, we can hope for the best. I would gladly smack that smile off his face for a start. So many ideas what should be done with him.Shoot him in the kneecaps and drop him off in a desert is another good one. I am happy they found the pup who will not be able to live the life that he deserves and it will be a good one I am sure. That will be his revenge. Cement galoshes like the mafia used to do is a good idea too. He is a waste of space and resources.

  4. A Mexican of course Unfortunately there is no respect for animals from people from that country I hope this MONSTER of a human gets incarcerated for as long as possible LIFE WOULD BE TOO SHORT OF TIME in my opinion

  5. That evil smile on his face needs to be carved up. The laws need to change. Animals are NOT property – they are living beings and need protection from this type of monster and anyone who harms them.

  6. What a filthy lowlife scumbag…why do they even go on living? What a sorry world this is because of cruel lowlives, which include dog breeders. Who would purposely bring puppies into this world, especially for $ ?! I of course hope the dear pup has a perfect life from here on out.

    • Agree but we lean too much on “mental illness”. Yes of course it’s sick that people do these things, but there are plenty of people with mental illnesses who aren’t evil scumbags. That’s a different illness. AND if it IS an illness make sure they don’t go off their medication.

  7. If laws were stricter so many animals were not be facing this kind of abuse. Since they are not there should be public hangings for these piece of trash. Why should we pay for them to set in jail get 3 meals a day, work out area, library, hell can even attend school. That is wrong on so many levels. That is like rewarding a child for bad this kind of stuff needs to stop. If it doesn’t vote differently at elections.

  8. Face is there for everyone to see your evil laughing face all over you are obviously a psychopath and have very low intelligence, hope you get your punishment and this dog has a lovely life away from you .. also any other animals in your care need removing .. sicko

  9. I’d love to get my hands on that a**hole. Hey clown, karma’s a bitch. Best off watch your back, someone’s going to catch up to you…

  10. I’m no dog lover, but I abhor cruelty and agree with all of the above posters that like should get like in terms of punitive action. Empathy, Elon Musk says, is “not an asset,” but for those of us who are not sociopaths, empathy is the GREATEST asset and those that do these actions have none.
    This happens to cats all the time. I love cats, who are the nation’s and world’s true most beloved companions. Let’s get THEM the kind of coverage we see here, get the perps and DEAL with them if the legal system does/will not.

  11. I Pray that this piece of trash spends the rest of his WORTHLESS LIFE in pain and poverty !! You deserve no kind of happiness or love !

  12. People that abuse animals, will eventually abuse humans, too. THROW HIM IN JAIL, MAYBE FROM A MOVING CAR, THROW AWAY THE KEY & LET HIM SUFFER, like he did this little puppy. BASTARD.

  13. Heartbreaking, This piece of shit is a Sociopath, laughing from the pain he caused this poor pup is not forgiven. Like the previous comment mentioned, he needs to pay for alll the full medical bills since he caused this poor baby fractures, pain & trauma. He deserves to go to jail for a long time so someone can have fun with him. We need harsh punishments for people that abuse animals because they dont have a voice and laws that protect them from crazy evil people.

  14. We can’t wait for the name of this clown.
    We already have an asset lined up to play some games with him. Our punishments to animal abusers are far more painful and long lasting than the fairies in ‘law enforcement’ would ever mete out.

  15. The longest jail sentence possible (way too short in any case). Then hopefully to share a cell with a big animal lover. Then he will know fear and pain! I work in rescue. I understand the possibility of having to rehome an animal, but this is the coward’s way out.

  16. ‘An eye for an eye’ I’ve made this comment more than once – carrying out on them the pain and torture they’ve perpetrated on baby animals. Some say they will pay for their crimes when they die and go to hell. Well, that’s too long a wait for me – I want to see them pay for their crimes NOW.

  17. In the photo you can see the man smiling or maybe laughing while that poor dog is thrown from the car. What a fucking monster, he deserves to lose this freedom and spend time behind bars, pay restitution for the medical expenses of the dog and serve community service by picking up dog poop in local parks to teach him some humility. He should also be banned from ever owning another animal. This poor dog didn’t deserve the pain and fear he experienced. I wish our government would start giving sentences like ‘a eye for a eye’. Which means the man would be thrown from a speeding car and left for 4 days without food/water or shelter so he understands exactly how the dog felt. This may be the only way some people learn their actions have consequences and that animals aren’t ours to be tortured and abused.

  18. I agree with the above commentary; another piece of utter trash. This sick s*** needs to be fined heavily and be incarcerated for at least a year. If the puppy is injured in any way, the filth needs his belongings and/or property impounded and sold to pay for the dogs recuperation.

  19. another worthless piece of human shit. jail is too good for this slime bag. throw him off a roof and lets see how he likes to fly. that poor pup didn’t deserve that.


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